Sean R

Oh, no, you saw homeless people?!?! Are you ok?

I genuinely feel it was a necessary statement film that attempted to sum up where Star Wars as a cultural object currently resides, what changes needed to be made given errors in the past, and what wonders remained in the universe now that it resided with Disney.

July, just putting it out there, do you dock and do you want to dock? I promise I will only ask you this once because I want you to feel comfortable at all times. We can do this wherever you wish, I am imdependently wealthy and can travel anywhere on the globe you want this to go down. Pick somewhere that you feel

A week. That took you a week. I hope you got paid for that - an inane, mewling, endless affair - because I’m the only other human being who read it and I think it it beneath me to take it apart. What an extraordinary waste of your life.

What, precisely, is other people’s enjoyment of soccer taking from you? Are you so mindbendingly insecure that the idea that someone, somewhere is doing something you perceive as weak threatens you into hysterics? Is it the enticement you feel? Do you long to be soft for once?

I’m sorry, but I don’t find your banter cute enough to continue.

A) Nope, sorry. It was a gas station egg salad stuck in a large man’s crotch for fifteen minutes level of tepid.

You are bad at conceptualisation. Why would I discuss what I was going to do before pulling out the pliers? And I never suggested that it was merely your opinions on this subject that were so utterly facile and inane as to necessitate my party-saving move.

Is life fun clinging for dear life on the asshole of a pretentious, sanctimonious twat?

Those aren’t trending posts, I think that they’ve basically been running best of type articles in the top banner for all the Gawker sites since the network declared bankruptcy.

My argument is that voting for Stein provides very little overall utility for the Green Party. Sustenance is not growth. You have far more meaningful ways to contribute to them through targeted donation/volunteer efforts and getting involved in your local Green presence.

Why would you ever direct those adjective externally? Have you ever read the things you write?

You should have burned yourself in protest. Or, you know, self-awareness.

I wish I could tie a non-imaginary line between your ears through the shortest route, you boring twit. In a world with basic common sense, your parents would have voluntarily given you a fucking lobotomy the first time you used PC as a pissbaby slur.

I honestly hope all film turns to ash in your eyess, dull-tasted fuck.

You know, ridalin exists, eh?

If I was stuck talking to you at a party, I would pull of all my fingernails and then shove them down your throat so that you drowned from my blood, simply to combat the tedious inanity.

Oh my god, can you remember who hit you? Can anyone tell me who bashed this sad fuck’s brains to jello?

You either believe labour - any labour - deserves an appropriate share of the capital generated by it, or you don’t. Attempting to dance around this by inane comparisons or not taking into account the value generated by this labour is shitheel behaviour. Apologise.

Turnout decisions are made in October. He will endorse at or soon before the convention. At some point in the fall, he will hold an event with Obama on the west coast and they will raise approximately all the money in the world at it.