Sean R

Sorry you aren’t being catered to by this thing you don’t pay for or contribute to. To make sure you complaint is received promptly, cut open your eyes and try to smear the text of your complaint with the vitreous humours that ooze out on a piece of construction paper, then mail it in.

Besides the reasons mentioned (she is extremely divisive in terms of folks appreciating her terrible comedy), she also just signed a huge deal with Netflix for a daily show.

Or, alternatively, it is a really high percentage touch where he can blast the hell out of it hoping for a slice and knowing if it straightens out there is a man in air ready to redirect it.

Clearly, having been in the room at the time and having no obvious ax to grind, you know more about the context of the comments than the person that they were directed at.

Obviously an incredibly beautiful song, but my favourite part might be that the muppet version of him is the tallest kid in his class.

You have never had an emotional reaction to any piece of fiction. You are an idiot.

You are demanding government action to preserve a restricted monopoly over discriminatory discourse in the marketplace of ideas.

You know, you can shit yourself at home. You don’t have to go to the ballot box and shit yourself there.

And North Carolina.

So... Florida, NY, NC, VA, and CA (soon enough) don’t matter to a successful Democratic presidential candidate?

What a weird way to admit that when you aren't at work, you like to use homophobic slurs. I'm sorry the burden of not being an asshole weighs so heavily on you.

The violence with which you shake your fist at the joke flying over your head is really something else.

Every single Deadspin reader also reads at least five MMA blogs an hour. Their advertising depends on the certainty of this fact.

I think at least part of it is that the Spurs ethos includes an emphasis on flexibility and diversity as meaningful operational goals, specifically in terms of personnel. They’ve delved as deeply as any team in scouring the world for talent and have found ways to adjust their schemes to reflect the makeup of their

Håkan Loob

You don't get to hit other people just because your entertainment wasn't of the quality you'd prefer, you fucking child.

You should protest this horrible injustice by killing yourself. It is the only way to bring attention to this vital matter.

See, you almost are able to see the limits of your inane and blinkered world view, but then cognitive dissonance snaps you back into paranoid whining. Cut your dick off and become the victim you wish to be, you fucking coward.

Hahahhahaha, you are incredibly unconvincing in your arguments! You really should try talking to people somewhere other than chans, because you seem incredibly limited in your ability to communicate.

And Phyllis Schafly campaigned against the ERA. You should stop using your tiny dock to type, it is dumb as fuck!