Sean R

Maybe, but on my side I have a beloved and iconic character and on yours you have an increasingly shitty series of movies. I feel comfortable about my perch.

Sort of? But yeah, you are right, every single Batman movie has had some pretty shitty stuff in them! That is not a particularly great reason to cling to those shitty parts as though it is some revered tradition rather than evidence of the difficulty Warner and DC have had in translating their characters into the

Yeah, it is certainly a dumb, rightfully shunned part of the Batman mythos. There are plenty of idiotic things that happened in Batman comics over the decades that shouldn’t appear in a Batman movie!

Politeness is nice but it is not a human right. Some people may not ever want to talk to you again, and it is on you to deal with that. Closure would certainly make you feel better, but it is not “unbelievabl[e]” that someone may define their closure with never having to deal with someone for whom they no longer have

Yeah, moving to an area whose cable package included El Rey just before they marathoned season one in advance of this year’s season premiere was one of the great joys in my life. The fact that NXT is on Hulu (including the specials on a short delay), thereby laundering my money before it goes to Vince, is another.

There was still time on the game clock, you mewling doof. Literally just because of you, I literally will pray that every single human being with even a tangential relationship to Duke dies swiftly, but in such agony that the passing is experienced as an infinite universe of pain. I realise that is overkill, but it is

No, I’m pretty sure being a pissboy who can’t accept criticism is the occam’s razor answer here, given his past pissboyitude.

Having given up on ever receiving positive attention, our angry subject runs into the middle of the room and proceeds to furiously shit himself and then light himself on fire begging for someone to piss out the flames.

So just an average amount of brain impairment? OK, I'll be nice to you out of pity now! You have truly accomplished your mission!

Yeah, but you realise that they put Batman in that situation in the first place, right? They shouldn't have ever written a scenario where it makes sense for Batman to cavalierly blow up things indifferent to who is inside.

While it can get overbearing and stuffy, sometimes I like the old fashioned polite Southern greeting of a slow, florid docking.

Hipster is just an idiot word for “people who make me feel insecure about my inability to conceal my own shiftiness.” Feminist as a perjoritive is the same idiot’s word for “someone who points out structural inequalities that enrage me because of the implication that my behaviour would ever have to change in any way.”

You post inane, argumentative shit and then whine when people argue with you. This is like the time you complained about the taste when you kept habitually pissing in your own mouth.

No, I try an avoid brain injuries.

God, do you simply have the tiniest dick in the world or is just a mental thing?

Oh noooo! That must have been so hard for you! I'm surprised (and sad) you didn't blow your meagre brains away!

Snookums, that is the saddest story I've ever heard

God, what a whiny pissboy post. Sorry people have different opinions than you and aren't immediately censored for the horrible crime of disagreeing with your idiocy. Do have any goddamned self-respect at all? Why would you post this?

Irrespective of this disappointing announcement, the African American History Museum is going to be so dope. The building that they are moving into is shockingly pretty and the preview exhibit in the American History Smithsonian is as well curated as anything I’ve ever seen even in a tiny space. The Brown family table

That is a pretty mediocre strategy. They've already started filming Wonder Woman. If you want to support her, you want that move to do relatively well compared to BvS. You should actually be motivated to block the entrance of the theatre now.