Sean R

It isn’t just the NBA. I’m unlikely to take any risk in any endeavour, confident in the knowledge that no matter how hard I try, life is going to dunk on me and then Chris Paul will needlessly start talking shit while stepping around the splash zone of my failure.

Wouldn't it be funny if you could convince him to kill himself while you watched and called him fat? Like even as the stream was obscured by pink chunks of splattered brains over the camera, you cackled and cackled?

Grinding that ax, huh? I literally hope you never experience joy.

I see it as my job to ruin your career.

Yeah, literally every viewpoint is valid and no one should ever make choices about what they shove into their brain. What a brave comment!

And The Fugitive isn't an unhinged defense of spousal murder. Unlike things are unlike. Congratulations on figuring this out! So proud of my special boy!

Such a piss baby entitled thing to say. I literally hope someone bashes your brains in with a brick and I am fortunate enough to see such a glorious thing and let you know that you should have kept your eyes open.

A plane, flying high above.

Advice: go to the Whole Foods olive bar and grab fistfuls of olives from the various tubs (you'll want to move fast and get a nice mix, for fun) and then just mash the fuck out of them with your bare hands and squeeze the residue into a jar you snuck in. Why let those assholes tell you want is in your olive juice?

As a fellow white person, I know this will mean more to you: fucking kill yourself, after killing every person who contributed to making you what you are.

Yeah, way more Brit friendly fire incidents than you'd expect given troop size.

Because it is actually fairly rare and, even going back twenty years, Brits have disproportionately killed allied troops.

There have been more friendly fire incidents due to British errors than American in the last five years. Trying to rank massive Western imperialist armies for horribleness is basically inane.

Because human beings aren't cartoons dreamed up by the inane?

Dowd is a NY Times opinion columnist, a storage space for our nation’s very worst. If you ever meet her or her ilk, spit in their godforsaken faces.

That is hilariously off the mark.

This is a bit inane. “Lame duck” is not a phrase with an institutionalised or even particularly consistent usage. Many folks called Bush a lame duck after the Ds took Congress in 2006 and called on them to block any meaningful action on Bush requests.

To be fair, kill yourself, you dull fuckwit.

His net worth is north of $100 million, he has multiple incredibly valuable revenue streams, and his debt is related to a relatively young fashion line that, even if it collapsed completely, will not threaten the almost certainly assured incredibly comfortable future he has provided for himself and (with his similarly

75% of Canadians believe their healthcare system is amongst the best in the world. It is extraordinarily popular and most popular concerns are about how to maintain it into the future.