Sean R

How is bombing women and children not the English way, dipshit git fuck?

Definitely shouldn't borrow money at the cheapest it's been in decades during an economic recovery. That's fucking moron debt obsessed Econ 101!

I’ve generously outlined a program of self-improvement for you to follow, so I guess you need to learn how to value yourself.

So you do suffer from the defects I outlined earlier. I guess you have a lot of research to get to in order to recognise the self-obvious then!

I understand, but I did not/do not believe that it was a truly naive hypothetical employed by the person I responded to.

Do you use the Internet name “uncle” because there is nothing less fuckable?

Cool. I super don’t care to debate your inability to discern ideology.

I don’t actually think you understand criticism at all! You are embarrassing yourself!

Then, straight up, you aren’t particularly perceptive about ideological positioning. It is a skill that requires work!

Maybe because the presumption was that he was a fan of South Park? And if so, not being able to discern an ideology is a bad cognitive sign.

You are insanely defensive about the terrible cartoons you enjoy.

Your inability to mine content from this piece is not a comment on it, it is a comment about your own lack of basic interpretative tools.

It is problematic that you can’t recognise the animating and consistent ideology behind South Park.

Often directly tied to the physical requirements of their job. A blanket condemnation of the current style, ignoring the vast improvements in training, physio, and medical care that have developed over the last few decades, is inane pearl-clutching. More injuries are cut short due to concussions because we know a lot

Also painkillers!

Yes, I’m sure you “feel” all sorts of inane shit that isn't backed with evidence. I'd like to feel your goddamned brain with my fingers.

Remember, always remember, that wrestlers from the 80s, who generally wrestled slower and with less high spots, routinely die at extremely young ages.

You are making a pretty strained argument that there is no possibility of elite athletes adapting to marginally different athletic conditions. The burden of evidence for such a claim is rather high.

Were you bleeding out as you wrote this?

If you were demonstrably proven wrong, would you feel bad about using people’s deaths as the vehicle to ensure that your lil gun feels aren't hurt?