Sean R

Yes and so? How does that make them immune from criticism for the choices that they make with their lobbying money? They are purchasing a privileged position within the marketplace of ideas, not an exclusive one. Jesus, you really are a fucking dolt.

Since no one on earth wants you around, why don't you take advantage of the freedom to explore other planes of existence?

Free speech is never criticising anyone.

Not to beat on someone when they are already down, but I hope everyone you know dies horribly of a disease everyone realises was transmitted by you after you caught it fucking a sheep.


There have been Hispanics in Texas for a lot fucking longer than white people, you fucking failure.

It was cool when all them white folks entered Texas, a completely vacant area of land not at all a part of another country, 200 years ago.

Maybe an article about opinions on bat flips is not a great place for you if you are looking to avoid opinions on bat flips, bud.

You will never be catered to here because you are a dull fuck with tastes to match.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but I find it troublesome that you put the word “oppressed” in his mouth, which he never used and seem to suggest that he conflates “critic” with “criticism” (as in negative evaluation rather than a value-neutral term denoting analysis) in a way that he simply does not do.

Truly an inane complaint, but NFL’s reliance on Snappytv for their clips means that, in order to watch them on an iPad in Safari, one must click through three separate tabs like some kind of animal.

“Blocking your own team” should become the new wacky name for committing suicide as a result of CTE.

Why are you so desperate to defend inane generational cliches based entirely on feelings of inadequacy?

This kind of insane bullshit will keep happening until MLB gets serious and ritualistically murders Chase Utley’s entire family and roster of close friends while he is forced to watch unable to interfere.

Well, that’s pretty easy to say talking shit while responding to someone by commenting on the internet.

Associating domestic violence as an essential component of blackness is racist as fuck, doofy moron.

You focus on inanities because there is a void within you that presages the emptiness you will experience in death.

What a dull, whiny comment.

Your parasitic parents have offered you many benefits, to be sure.

OH MY GOD WHAT BRILLIANT SATIRE did you come up with that yourself DID IT TAKE A TEAM OF GENIUSES.?..?