Sean R

The way you are saying this makes me dream of you puking so hard into a sink it splashes in your eyes.

You should be chopped into pieces and fed to your parents and children.

Probably not? I mean, it is a pretty uninteresting fact about yourself and it isn't really something you should put out there as a way to find simpatico people.

She was Boyles’ anonymous funeral sex buddy.

This role should be Katee Sackhoff’s. No disagreement from this obvious fact should be cottoned. Emily Blunt and such are fine actors but this role is so absolutely perfectly dead centre in Sackhoff’s demonstrable wheelhouse that anyone who disagrees with her casting should be jailed in an abandoned mine.

I have personally pissed in every single meal you have eaten in the last twenty years and, upon showing them this comment that you have jerked out of yourself, your parents and other loved ones have applauded my action and expressed their desire to see you presence exercised from their lives.

More than your rudimentary grammar or general air of doofiness, it the sheer bafflement you express that people don’t share your poorly thought out knee jerk reaction that truly marks you as dangerously idiotic.

The type of shitheel who would sign onto something like this might as well solemnly swear to only date women who can demonstrate that they possess a unicorn horn and can fly through the cosmos, because they are so thoroughly unfuckable that any condition that they might set out is invariably wholly hypothetical.

Sometimes being a fan of even a good show can make you a garbage person, as you've demonstrated here.

Yeah, it would have been awesome to elect someone who sees bombing as the solution to every single American foreign policy dilemma. Really a safe dude to vote for.

Murder is only contextually illegal, as is the act’s morality. Murder for one’s country, given certain authorisation, can be legal, for instance. And the certain success of a Kickstarter to drop a bag of bricks onto your pomposity-bloated noggin from space is at least one indication that some murders would be deemed

His move should inspire people to murder him and put fire to the lie of property.

How many Hallowe’ens have you gone dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow?

... except that those schools don't siphon away public money, you fucking dope.

Given the quality of your grammar, certainly YOUR teachers failed at their jobs.

The opposite of co-sign, that is the most unwatchable episode of CBB, largely because Cook’s scripted material is awful, he is a mediocre performer of material written for him, and his attempts at improv are sweaty nightmares of failure.

Maybe you just come off as really dumb to folks when your are desperate. Maybe, after spending night after night with people having their worst days, they have come to recognise shitheels and don't feel the need to treat you like your human.

I’m not a piece of shit, I’m a ghost! And it is to your benefit, because of the shit you’d have all over your face if I were, it is just ectoplasmic goo.

Except that he is actually far more evasive when describing programmatic elements of his campaign - the actual policies he seeks o implement - than any other candidate. THIS is the key to his success. Political scientists have fairly thoroughly documented that the most logical preferred stance a presidential candidate

Thank goodness your rebuke has caused me to brutally murder myself.