Sean R

This is pretty poorly observed.

Systems of disparity that are intrinsic to the American social, political, and economic infrastructure makes people racist. Being uncomfortable because black people are super scary! makes him a fucking cowardly shit.

Yeah, it is really weird that they didn’t bring up criticisms of their thin-skinned manager who can fire them at will, costing them millions of dollars.

How dare them continue to follow a reasonably high profile story with a short update. Definitely getting het up about it isn't REALLY FUCKING TELLING.

Sweet, as my cat’s paw you have struck a blow against the world’s inanity on my behalf. Are you glad that you don’t have to have dull, circular conversations out of a lack for any interesting topics on which to converse?

Questions about who is the most dominant across sports and contexts is so utterly inane that when someone asks you one, your answer should be a fucking shotgun blast to the face.

Burn out the inane cynicism within you using a torch. Daniel Radcliffe is worth $110 million and has six high profile starring roles in movies booked for the next year and a half. The bitterness you project onto him is a sad, sad reflection on your own inability to account for the tumour of failure that has

No one made that claim. Learn to read.

Because the inane heterodoxy and entitlement that streams out of your mouth is never dammed by self-awareness and if you are just going to keep dribbling out shit, than is rather you make a crater of your doltish face to allow your other humours to flow as well.

Honestly, I could do with a little of you bashing yourself in the face with a brick, entitled pisspig.

Yes, but you are fucking garbage and the world would be better if you were swiftly incinerated.

Yeah, just because a large media company hired a crypto- fascist to run entertainment projects for whom I am a targeted demographic is no reason to not offer free endorsement and support of this massive corporation’s endeavours.

Literally murder everyone you attended university and then yourself, dissembling fuck.

Duder is an adult and should be able to differentiate between parody and satire. UnReal is a satiric soap and has loaded up the perfect mix of skillfully manipulative characters with conflicting interests and compromised or easy to manipulate sap characters to be prodded into disaster.

I love how much Blatter looks like a startled dog as the money rains down.

God, I just hate jokes women make about societal roles. It is so haaaaard for me, because it reminds me that I can't reach rough the computer and rip off your face.

So basically you have no fucking clue about the history of remakes. Fucking die in a fire.

Oh you poor baby! Honestly, I think the only solution to your problem (which actually helps a lot of others too) is for you to fucking kill yourself.

NOT IN BOSTON!!!!,!,!!!!

Did you notice what happened to her due to her relationship with Piper? That’s because you aren’t supposed to like Piper’s character. That's rather the point.