Sean R

The world as a whole, and television in particular, if the doors to the theatre holding the Emmys were all locked after everyone entered and it was then burned to the ground.

People who take the fucking Emmys as seriously as you indicate you do should be shot in the street.

Yes, the Emmys are so sacrosanct that they should never be discussed by anyone ever or be used by anyone to make viewing decisions out of respect.

This video perpetuates the dumb myth that we shouldn't be doing all we can to murder children and pets.

Your choice of references suggest that your musical tastes can be fully captured by the selection of CDs at WalMart. Defenestrate yourself.

Holy shit, wait... someone looks older in their fifties than in their early thirties?!?!

I don't think you are being earnest, because that would require so much brain damage that a keyboard would be inoperable for you.

No Hannibal or Penny Dreadful noms because you all so fucking far behind.

God, I wish your life had been emptied of all material possessions due to storm damage.

Piss pig, this is not a debate. One does not debate animals, piss pig, fattens them for the slaughter.

Yes, when you said the NFL shouldn't babysit players you meant that they should. Obviously.

Yes piggy, whine and whine as the piss flows! Masculine energy in golden form, straight from the tap, the experience of a Snyder movie concentrated in an endless stream. Drown piggy and squeal the whole way down.

Yes, there are absolutely no barriers for families at different income levels to send their kids to schools anywhere and also having schools within communities serving those communities has no public value whatsoever.

Tell me how hard you got watching 300. It really isn’t a gay thing, it is about the power of being a man. Tell me how it felt to cum just as Michael Shannon’s neck snapped, my little piss pig.

Hmm, yes, let’s drastically cut public school funding and create a magical system where everyone goes to private school! Truly a solution for American schools and not simply a grift for private education companies and religious psychos!

Idealisation of the great man, with the masses serving as either fodder whose deaths are treated as utterly meaningless or obstacles in the exercise of the great man’s strength (including shots that look vaguely lifted from Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympics doc), and depiction of largely faceless enemies who are presented

Considering that NFL teams micromanage almost all aspects of their players lives, conduct regualar surveillance on them, and have financial stakes in their behaviour (for which they have required incredibly detailed contractual obligations), it is almost literally their job to babysit players, you fucking doof.

Literally fascistic garbage for morons?

Similarly, no knowledge can be recorded because no model of reality - including language - is perfectly accurate or better than immediate sensory awareness.

There is absolutely no convincing evidence that voucher programs create systemic improvements in education outcomes. You are hooked on an idiotic ideology - yeah, capitalism is FANTASTIC at reducing inequality and has REALLY been a boon to college students - to the point where you have to try and reshape reality to