Sean R

3 observations:

Yeah, all those zero episodes he wrote. Truly the Simpsons was the most director-centred animated show there has ever been.

And classic ol’ Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Yeah, someone gave him Atlas Shrugged at the wrong part of his development and it fucked him up but good.

Yeah, they were Flutie’s third (and last) CFL team and were owned for awhile by a consortium that included Wayne Gretzky and John Candy. I saw a Grey Cup from the Skydome Hard Rock in the early-90s and garnered signatures from most of the Kings team that went to the Stanley Cup finals. They were not watching the game,

Yeah, the battle to control the narrative would be fucking amazing.

For most breeds, if your dog only lives to ten, there are real problems with your dog.

This is a profoundly meaningless thing to get this upset over.

Yeah, what assholes for not obeying nonsensical bullshit! Smuggling! THE LAW! SUCH A BIG PROBLEM FOR EVERYONE!

Nothing you think is important actually is. You have a sense of morality bloated by rot.

I really wish she was in a position to name names, because that's the only way this kind of thing could really change.

Yeah, it's not like they just had to make a massive settlement because of pervasive consumer abuse or anything.

Oh, pudding, how hard and confusing this must be for someone like you.

No, I just do my small part where I can, you sad sack fuck. No one cares who you want to fuck. It adds nothing. You are whining that I'm ruining your attempt to show us your erection. Put it away.

No shit you don’t know why what you wrote was pretty gross: you have no capacity for reflection or self-awareness. You are blind the way that all assholes are blind.

But it in fact does work some times (BSG, U.S. Being Human, Buffy/Angel, Fringe, etc.).

Why don’t you try telling one and we’ll find out.

Yeah, that is shitty too. Look in the comments of this story for those people ALSO getting yelled at.

I wonder whether the possibility of returning a fumble or interception for a safety (while rare from that distance, still considerably more likely than returning a blocked PAT kick for a touchdown) actually makes the expected value of the kick higher than a two point try.

And yet here you are, whining some more, demonstrating disinterest through mewling. I'm sorry that you are so embarrassed by what you wrote that someone noticing it causes you such dread. Maybe don't post such shitty things?