
“I sometimes struggled to enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2’s most impressive elements because I knew how challenging—and damaging—some of them must have been to make. “

Absolutely fabulous review Kirk. If I may ask, how many days did you have to play and review this? It sounds like you had to crunch just to get this done, which leads me to hope instead that Rockstar provided a review copy early enough so you weren’t playing this game for 70 hours in a single week along with the

So you say it was worth the 100 hours per week crunch and its effects on the employees’ health, well-being, and social life?

Try writing a review and keep your work crunch whining in another article. It has nothing to do with the game. Kotaku is so useless these days...

So...gaming is an incredibly shitty industry to work in that chews people up and spits them out? In other news, the sun rises in the east.

Don’t get me wrong, this was a fantastic read, but I found not one word of it even remotely, slightly surprising.

Doubtful, Nintendo has mastered the art of shorting supplies.

You don’t need to preorder to get one on launch day. That’s the point.

It’s not necessarily a matter of intelligence, so much as it is a matter of being in the right spot in line.

yeah you’re real smart to preorder a nintendo console, that could never backfire.

There are plenty of Switch preorders available once the day after release reviews go out.

Oh no, one might have to go across the street and buy one at Target for the same price on launch day.

I don’t know what you were expecting from this movie, but as a fan of the games I enjoyed it. I didn’t go in expecting a master piece, just wanted a decent action movie. I think they made the right choice in not tying its plot to any of the games plots and instead created its own story entirely.

Gawker’s feminist articles are pretty cancerous.

Bitch is a genderphobic micro aggression.

And your pro feminist calling him a little bitch hypocrisy much...

Take a good hard look at the nonsense you are spewing before insulting anyone else. Its like you are purposefully going down the shithead check list.

You’re clearly not pro-feminism broski, people like you always pop up here to say how this push for social change isn’t good enough.

::reads title::

I too remember when the Pokemon were based off of animals like:

Pirates my ass.