
Did she really have a choice? The dykes would have eaten her alive.

I bet Christopher Tolkien’s head would explode.

In the “Tracer’s gay reveal” threads on the Blizzard forums, you wouldn’t believe how many people declared “this is just SJW’s twisting a character to shove their agenda down our throats, just like with Dumbledore”

However, we haven’t really seen Dumbledore discuss or display his queer status before. It’s been more informed and implied.

I think there’s an “easy” setting, but part of the “fun” of XCOM is losing your oldest soldier because he missed a killshot with a 99% success rate. Nothing in any other video game quite hits the same note that that does...

If you’re not with her then you’re a racist misogynist.

LOL...Google and Facebook do all sorts of questionable shit in support of Hillary and the tech media is mum. One of the few tech billionaires is discovered to be a Trump supporter. OH THE HORROR!

The Gawker network is incredibly liberal.

Pisses me off to no end. As other commenters have pointed out, literally no one else in that shot is smiling. Even if her dad hadn’t just died, this is a disappointing article to say the least.

This, maybe?

look at the long ass list of changes , that are coming in after the game when gold. It might be great but i feel nothing but red flags

How does this rank with other botched game releases for you? This isn’t the worst release for a major game I can think of, however it’s certainly up there!

Why was the game pressed to disc if the story itself was unfinished

you forgot to mention the fact that the next update will contain base building and owning large freighters

This many code changes at zero hour worries me, not for the long term quality of the game (these changes all sound positive), but for the stability of the game at launch. As excited as I am, I will probably wait a few weeks for the bugs to get ironed out. I work for a CAD software company and if we make this many

So I missed a lot of the streams and early impressions. Is this game the over hyped disappointment that I expected it to be? Or is it actually worth picking up on Tuesday?

Riri? Or is it pronounced “ri-ri”? The whole thing sounds like pandering to me. I’m not against non-white, non-male characters but she’s screaming “racial stereotype” in my opinion.

Why? What’s wrong with him being white?

15? Honestly officer...

A LESBIAN black women right???