
Birds are loud.

You’re with me, white hood

I probably wouldn’t hate conservatives quite as much if a single one of them had a sense of humor. I’d still hate them a ton, but god they have no redeeming qualities.

That winning goal... got more moves than a church got oooh laaawds

Yeah this was released in Australia last year as a limited edition. I love Coca Cola. I love Coffee. Coca Cola Coffee was horrid. The 2L sat in my fridge for 3 months before I finally gave up the ghost and tossed it. The aftertaste is as unpleasant as any soft drink I’ve ever tried.

Man why’d you have to dump on the Golden Girls? Can’t someone like both Jpegmafia and Golden Girls?

This is such a bad post.

Meh, good riddance.

God Bless America.

But this is exactly what Deadspin has been for the 12 years I’ve been visiting. It’s not an “objective” sports site, it’s a site with obvious biases, and that’s the very purpose. People arguing that it’s not Fair and Balanced are just nuts.

The 10AM Patriots Day Red Sox game is spectacular. But only because it’s once a year.

The last good moment of the series, before it all went to hell.

I adored season 1, made it through season 2, and a few episodes into season 3. Thus I strongly recommend new people watch season 1, watch the first 1:30 or so of the Season 2 opener, and then completely stop watching. The cliffhangars never get solved, the writers have no idea what’s going on, half of the episodes are

I don’t know, that’s 12% of Mississippi’s GDP.

Don’t ever go to O’Hare. I’ll take KATL any day of the week.

The problem being, it doesn’t do any good. Republicans continue to destroy the nation.

What was the reasoning for John Wayne playing Genghis Khan?

Interesting, I always found the netting at Fenway to be particularly annoying, especially at an oblique angle.

Does anyone who regularly attends games support this, by chance? The net can be pretty damn annoying when up close.

If you’re 11, yes.