Is the drummer for the roots wearing a metro fair card as a bow tie? nice!
Is the drummer for the roots wearing a metro fair card as a bow tie? nice!
As some one who has done sound in a lot of bars let me add 2
This "This photo is courtesy of my mom, who collapsed laughing shortly after."
Lots of comments but you all do see that he flew this right over the hospital helipad several times UVA has a big hospital
Here is the whole episode link
I love the them song can I just buy that! I will most likely get the game because any one that would use that them song has my vote. Edit just found the down load link song link
Do a lot of people buy these I wonder?
Google made an add using the same women
I want to know what that strange blue thing is in the background some kind of Muppet escape rope?
I just had my videos flagged I mean come on they only had 400 views as for removing the music they where for Rocksmith how do you remove the music from that... maybe I will redo them mute the sound and just hum along that will bring on way more viewers.
MAN I so wanted on of those plus that show had the best them song EVER!!
Plymoth Barracuda FTW
I started drinking nothing but water 4 weeks ago and I have lost 10 Lbs combined with a 2 mile walk every day. I wonder what helped the most. The walk or the only water thing.
SO basically this but head thinks it's OK because a majority of people think it's OK to be a raciest "79% of the respondents stated the Washington Redskins should not change their name, while only 11% believed the team’s name should change." But mom everyone else is doing it. I was born in DC but I am done with this…
All you have to say to me is A GUN THAT SHOOTS SWORDS! and my money is yours!
I like it I am just starting out and it was only $50
I took this right after cleaning it
Yes I agree come on Skulls of the Shogun is a great game on Windows Phone what about Modern Combat 4 or Assassins Creed or Asphalt 7 Heat
The question I have is will it have the good soundtrack? Its been a while but I recall that it was quite good
I would love to see stuff on the tools and applications that are used to make a game.