You can " write a game for Xbox tomorrow using $100 worth of tools and my existing Windows laptop and test it on my home Xbox" and you don't need to spend a penny
You can " write a game for Xbox tomorrow using $100 worth of tools and my existing Windows laptop and test it on my home Xbox" and you don't need to spend a penny
it is on my surface now only played through the into so far but looks nice
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
I would recommend getting some scrap parts/bulk from ebay and some perf-board from radio shack and just go to town
there is a great app you can get called Pin Steam that makes Win 8 Tiles for all your Steam games
And this is the app that all people who review Windows 8 phones always point out, well it does not have instagram so it must suck.
Rainmeter is cool and I set it up but I found that when I am using my PC it is full of open windows and I never see the desktop so I removed it all because I hate wasting memory and processor on tasks that while nice to look at I never saw.
Kingdom for Keflings with dragons sounds like my sort of fun :)
I got the same thing :(
Thank you for turning me on to this amazing song just picked up a copy of the "album" whatever they are called now
Please tell me this show will not be seen overseas PLEASE PLEASE
What no Tarzan yell !!
What no Tarzan yell !!
I eat 13.5 pound sandwiches all the time
Sword wielding Santa yea that's going to go over well