
And this comic strip makes it right to the point:

I think the moment i realised how truly stupid this had gotten was with Farcry 3. I had just bought the game off Steam about five months ago, downloaded it, and then hit the uPlay login prompt. Problem was i couldn't remember my password because it had been about six months since i last signed up for uPlay (i don't

they sold a gutted, shell of what could have been one of the best games ever. thats what they sold.

Tesla for the win. Zero benefit for consumers to have dealers in the process.

Dear Squids,

Nice, Borderlands 2 was thick with this type of stuff and this is what i hoped Destiny would have. Take notes Bungie. BL:TPS is pretty great and i'm only level 9 right now and i just got my first 2 purples via a moonstone chest.

A million deaths are not enough to make a purple engram drop.

Seriously. Poop BEFORE you begin.

The Rasputin thing was mentioned in the third level, and then forgotten about, and then mentioned again in one sentence in the second to last mission, and I thought it would be some twist like he was the main villain, but, like most things in Destiny, it didn't go any where. Sigh.

Maybe you should watch the rest of the video too. Because I am not sure if you are getting heated up over the correct issue at hand here.

If only it wasn't for the fact that you have to pay more to get more of the story. If the game had a complete story at launch, I feel like this could be excusable, but right now, no matter what they say, it just feels like they finished the game and cut it up into parts to sell as DLC. I'm so torn on this because I

Who else wants an exotic weapon called 'Sack full of Doorknobs' now?

Here's how they can fix it...

The writing is the worst. I really can't believe with the production values this has, how absurdly awful it is.

Nope! I'm making a "Peter Dinklage's acting in Destiny is terrible" joke.

This ridiculous comparo is entirely due to Harrismonkey missing his 4-litre RS and finding excuses to get behind the wheel of one of these animals as many times as possible. I'm not complaining tho.

A Hellcat, C7 and new Mustang road trip on Top Gear would be a nice follow up to the Bonneville road trip.

1. Loadout slots for quick character costumization! If I am jumping between PVE and PVP I might have different skills or weapons as a prefered choice. Letting me have like three slots that I quickly can rename, save, delete and let's me quickly cycle between prefered gear and abilities would make me very happy.
