



It's because magazine are losing their shirts right now and they're cheaper than hell.


I don't get it....torque steer? It didn't look like the vett was spinning it's just looked like he just turned into them....

Thank you...someone had to say it.

Airbags BURNED the passenger? The car wasn't leaned more than what 3-4 degrees? The airbags deploy in how many fractions of a second? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the crash airbags deploys AFTER you actually hit something?

Can't believe I'm the first to post this....

Good job Tom! Thank you for being a police officer that makes a difference.

I think you could take 99% of the people who visit this site....drop them in that car on that day in those condition...and the results would be the same or worst.

even today Hollywood has to go back to the 70's to find a compelling story.

as bad? you mean as bad as the most popular adult costume of the last 30 years? That outfit was epic. This outfit looks more like Marilyn Monroe's dress that the slave outfit.

4 days? should have stuck with the old FCP or PP :\


two of my friends had their phone's stolen...they both called the police with the exact location found from Find my Phone. Right to the house they were in.

I'm glad someone said it!

I'm glad someone said it.....

Ditto for Wraith!!

No one has said Drive the Nurburgring? Really?