
Right foot is only really the rear brake...and you don't need a rear brake at all.

Everything in this world is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. Not a penny more, not a penny less.

I totally disagree with subsidizing pro sports...if it's required, then the "sport" is a bad financial decision that can't self sustain. In this financial climate, everything proposed should be scrutinized firstly by it's ability to self sustain.

I always believed the whole point of formula 1 was to promote new technology and let the manufacturers bring whatever engine they wanted to. Other than safety concerns, they should be able to bring anything they want to the race. That's competition, that drives innovation.


Honda CRX

@MikeK: If I could meet the person responsible for the "new" iCal....I would kick them in the groin.

Hey GM....see this? This is WINNING.

slow news day eh...


Easily fake scoops...

um, looks like the DRIVER did pretty well...


meh, pretty useless if you ask me. You could ever actually take anyone off the line or otherwise unless you dialed the power WAY down or slapped some monster slicks on it (and even then)


That option doesn't come up for me. I just got them off of Porsche's website.

File this in the "well DUH" category....


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