Pretty fitting - between Whiplash and Bleed for This, ‘carry on after a car crash’ is sort of his schtick. Glad everyone is okay!
Sure, but what I’m asking is, do you think they’d agree that Trump is worse then Hitler?
If you were a Jew back in Germany during WWII how do you think you’d feel about your current Hitler vs Trump position?
Those moments feel strained (Darth Vader puns), as the otherwise organic action comes to a complete halt to incorporate them.
Even grown-ups play janken, using it to decide trivial things among friends that people in the U.S. might decide with a coin toss.
On the other, The Big Short was a pretty interesting movie, if overly twee about the expository way it chose to explain complex stock market concepts
Did you dismiss every comment that criticized what you (and many others) said? I don’t see a single one. I understand dismissing mine if you didn’t like that I said ‘fuck’, but did you even dismiss the ones that didn’t? That doesn’t seem cool, and maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think it’s what dismissing is for. It’s…
Because he chooses to?
I lol’d at this part of your third link:
all im simply trying to say is that majority is not the word to use.
Nobody won a majority of the votes, you’re right. But every single candidate had a majority of people vote against them. Both things are true.
You’ll be fine - I got straight up banned from Deadspin (not just greyed) for stating my boredom with them fawning over a rapist, and I still read it.
Majority: a number that is greater than half of a total.
This is even more important when you take into account how monumentally difficult it’s going to be for Dems to win control of the Senate in 2018. Of the 33 seats up for re-election, only 8 are Republicans. Whether the Democrats need to flip two seats or three could make an enormous difference.
The character’s name is Mrs Ketts, so I’m pretty sure it’s a kettle.