@xhedgehogx: Vista with 512 MB in itself is not recommended. Downgrade bro that things got to be running slower then hell!
@xhedgehogx: Vista with 512 MB in itself is not recommended. Downgrade bro that things got to be running slower then hell!
@mister truman: I installed it but I haven't used the locations feature. I'd rather Facebook not have that info.
@DeadlyDad: SICK. Just the initial cost and thats it? Thats pretty neat.
@seanism: Or look for someone who wants to get out of their contract and have them do a transfer of liability. People who are eager to get out of their contracts will usually give you their cell phone for free since it saves them the $250 ETF. There are sites out there that help facilitate this.
Get prepaid burner phone then buy a nicer phone on craigslist for a reasonable price. DONE.
@mruler360: Apple is very strict on what prices stores can sell their items at. I am with him I am surprised Apple is allowing them to sell the iPad at that cost. This is how Apple keeps such a lock down on their prices.
@anitesh.jaswal: I figure these stores didn't get the memo about this being their black friday deal.
@Goof_Troop: Or put an Orange logo.
Any reviews on this? I haven't updated yet.
@I see the light. It burns!: Replace the back plate and the board with the inputs.
@kaffeen: Word. Soon enough there will be a fix for that.
@Alexander Riccio: Screw that. They aren't blocking anyones packets. They own google.com and they can list whatever they want too.
Google should BLOCK all listings of those networks on google.com.
@isaacws: You can change your user agent but not your flash ID which some sites use to block content.
@matt buchanan: I thought you guys could do some time traveling and review them now?
@Samurai I-am-awry: And the fact its a cluster duck of software / patches to make Android work as a tablet.
@CarcharoDon Carcharias: I saw Tool a few years back at Coachella. Sadly I wasn't as into them at the time as I am now. Still a defining moment in my life.
@CarcharoDon Carcharias: +1 for the Tool reference.
This just in! Movie Studios are going to F*#K there customers some more!