I agree. I shouldn't have clicked through. Sigh....
I agree. I shouldn't have clicked through. Sigh....
What is your opinion of Anonymous and the other hacking groups in the news today?
What RSS reader is that in the screen shot above?
Why don't they make there devices run vanilla Android. Problem solved.
2% of a lot is more then 10% of a little
If she doesn't want to sell them a dress that's her choice as a business owner. Freedom is a 2 way street.
How did I know this post was gonna be a troll. I find it funny you used the term suffer.
I'm curious if on a Mac running both makes your computer come to a halt like in Windows. You try both at the same time?
Word. we are a reseller / user of Sophos as well. Pretty solid company that is growing pretty rapidly.
They are talking about a self hosted Wordpress blog. Not a wordpress.com hosted blog.
That would be stupid.
My company is hosted by MediaTemple and our DB goes offline all the time. I am very unimpressed with them. We have a ticket system that always shoots off errors because it can't connect to our DB.
I've been buying organic milk. The best used by date is about 1 month compared to 1-2 weeks for the non organic. Also the half gallon seems to last longer then the gallon of organic milk. Plastic compared to cardboard?
Why use extra paper when your done drying use that wad of paper. No extra cost to the environment.
How do I download them in Chrome? I expand it but right clicking doesn't give me an option to save Image? can't they just link the images like everyone has been doing for the last 15 years?
I'm the same way. My girlfriend can be unaffected by a cluttered room but I can't focus with all the clutter.
How is it fragmented? Microsoft updates the software sends it to the carrier then the approve it for the end user?
And for all your effort in writing the above statement that I agree with you got unstarred.
I think 50% drop is a bit of an over statement. There is some decrease but not nearly that much.
Remote start? More like Remote Heater.