
Give me Bluetooth keyboard support. I tried playing Duke Nukem with the on screen and I had an aneurysm.

I was thinking WTF I just read this in my latest Maximum PC then I scrolled down and saw it is the Maximum PC article haha

@Terry: Exactly! It's the journey not the destination. I did the same thing.

What engine does the browser use? A modified IE engine? Web Kit?

@seanism: Ugh ads between page transitions.

@joshua_erda: I can't either. Email yourself the link.

Can't find it in the app store? Email yourself the link. Also I have no content. Do you have to register?

How is this news?

In Ubuntu I have to restart pretty frequently because of updates...

4G == 4th generation. Most of my clients refer to the iPhone 4 as iPhone4G and assume it is 4G.

@The Overmind: Only the greatest series ever! I need to read it again.

I think they have a top speed of 25 mph

Never read a description of procrastination that fits me so well. Anxiety and worry are the reasons I procrastinate.

@vinod1978: and thanks for my first promoted comment ;-)

@vinod1978: I know there isn't a huge amount of CDMA elsewhere. When you mention there is very few your point being with the amount they are producing it doesn't seem logical for it not to be stateside?

TrueCrypt FTW

@Wayne Ripley: Police seized his computer but could not access material on it as it had a 50-character encryption password.

@JoelD: It was the password to decrypt his data. Atleast that's what I remember reading on /.