
I would add Hollow Knight. Which also happens to be one of the best games of the last 10 years in my opinion.

That early 90’s stuff won’t translate well.

I use it to talk to three or four strangers about Star Trek, and I love it. That said, if someone made a platform that was exactly the same but with no Nazis, I’d be out of there so fast the stupid little bird pic would spin.

I hate my twitter and when I briefly had to monitor it for my job I felt like I was going out of my mind. But... if you need customer service help, go directly to Twitter.

as with a lot of huge and hugely toxic internet stuff (facebook, reddit), twitter is at its best when you use it for niche communities. poetry twitter (my wheelhouse) is amazing; someone mentioned science twitter; basketball twitter is great too. of course it’s easy for any niche to go toxic from within or have a

I’ve tried Twitter on a few occasions and it’s never taken with me. Cesspool is the perfect word, and while there may be some people tweeting valiantly from the trenches, it spotlights more of what’s wrong with our society than right. Especially it’s hit-or-miss-mostly-almost-always-miss management of harassment.

I have an account that I linked with my IG a few years ago, and I’ll randomly go on it when something newsworthy happens. Recently I went on it more often because of how hardcore people were freaking out over the snapchat update (which is completely terrible, and it’s been fascinating to watch it implode, lol but a

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

If only there was good staircase with an idiot falling down it around to help. *shakes head*

For $500 a ticket I *might* consider an Eagles concert if (and only if) zombie Glenn Frey showed up and performed.

Well but the real great thing about it is that despite his attempts to convince her she’s a doting housewife and mother who waits on her family hand and foot- she tells him that’s bullshit and that he needs to help her around the house and with the kids. It’s that twinkle of egalitarianism that keeps the movie from

For everything you stated, I can’t believe they remade this, of all movies. Goldie Hawn is great but that movie plot is a garbage fire only saved by her totally over the top performance. I can’t believe many rooms of people heard this idea and went, “yep, I can’t see what could go wrong.”

It’s not like he raped her. He just held her under false pretenses, made her his house slave, and then fell in love with her. Hijinks ensued for fuck’s sake!

It’s one of my favorite movies ever!!!! And yeah... it’s kinda problematic looking back on it but as Seanibus said everyone was having a good ass time it’s why I watched it obsessively as a child, every time I my grandma found me to be a pain in the ass she would put the VHS on and knew I would be glued to the screen

Kurt Russell was able to pull that off and agreed, it is an overlooked classic.

Sodomites and socialists, you say? [Opens browser to Travelocity.]

Well, I found my new answer to the question: “Death challenges you to a game for your soul. What do you pick?”

My dad doesn’t watch Doctor Who but knows what it is about. I was explaining regeneration to him and said a new actor was taking the role. A lot of people were upset. He asked why and I said guess. It’s a woman was what he said. I told he he was right. He just shook his head and called them assholes.

I can never again look at the word “witch” without instinctively putting “er” at the end. Thanks Geralt (seriously, thanks).