
Ha! I still remember an AP English essay with “Were you asleep?!!” scribbled on top.

For real. Not exactly a sign from the cosmos, Rosie.

Make America Grope Again.

As a feminist, I’m appalled that everything always comes back to a woman’s looks. As a queer woman, I have to admit that my first thought was that that face is by far the greatest thing Rudy Giuliani’s ever had a hand in making.

I was at the Crash party at Trax but missed the one for UTTAD. Should have interviewed Carter, the only one of them I can unreservedly say nice things about.

This isn’t exactly ‘grim’ but basically this is what hubby and I text each other every day when we’re in different parts of the house:

this is one I actually used. I was five years old, playing with my cousins at my Babcia's house. She was making dinner and was a terrible cook. When she called us in for dinner, I told her I couldn't eat because I was sick. She asked what was wrong, and I told her it was prostate cancer.

"We put the Domino's Pizza here!"

I've got a scar like that, being careless in Boy Scouts over 20 years ago, my knife slipped while I was whittling, and sliced into the top of my thumb - cut a flap of skin almost but not completely off, we basically wrapped it up (I was at summer camp), and it grew back to the rest of the thumb, and now it's a raised

I hope the Navy invested in track gears that prevent it from being pointed at their own deck by a rebel spec-ops boarding party.



I'll second the recommendation for Rendezvous with Rama, and Rama II, but please don't ever touch the hot trash that are Rama III and IV. There is no need.

I never heard an official statement, but I wonder how much GW influenced Fallout.

I do indeed. Had the boxed kit way back when. I miss it.

don't forget hearing aids, belts, backpacks, parachutes, etc.

There were 82 private screenings of "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" last weekend in Chicago. For 16 viewers, the price of admission was sadly their life.

No. Just because your teacher will be a radioactive mutant tomorrow, does not excuse you from doing your homework!

Pretty sure its this predator:

I didn't know having a stroke could be so healthy.