
That is one of the creepiest movies in movie history. LOL

I disagree. I would love to land on planet "American Eagle-3" 'Merica!

Oh gosh, I sat down and watched that whole series in about two or three days a few years ago. I've developed a lot of affection for a lot of new series since then, but nothing has quite matched the sheer adoration I feel for Life on Mars.

But if you used Iffy Pop in the microwave, you'd be transported back to 1947 by the gravitons and graviolis.

Could be worst..there could be video....

I think the good folks on Eminiar (300-year war, disintegration booths, bizarre fashion choices) used sonic hand weapons. I seem to recall that when James Blish wrote the novelization of that episode, he had Spock get his hands on one and start speculating on how they kept the sound waves in a tight beam. You could

If I can't get health advice from the comments section of a tech blog then what's the point of the internet?

Someone else said that too! Apparently there is quite a bit of crazy out there that chooses to manifest itself in similar ways. There should be a study about it!

There used to be a really great Gene Hunt account on Twitter, but he's been quiet for a while now. :(

Other than the obvious, why is this an achievement? If you add sugar and yeast to anything you get fermentation. You could do it with compost. Or sawdust. Or gypsum.

This! Great book! And I got incredibly trashed one night awhile back and started reading it and as I went through it I kept finding little parts here and there which were beyond deep and insightful and also incredibly interesting given the human mind and state of the world and everything. Then I sobered up and had no

I agree with every point you made, they were my favourite Doctors, too. Tennant's last two episodes should have been shortened to:

The CLAw building: Classroom Laboratory Administration

Thank you, THANK YOU! Maybe it's a bit before some of the folks here, but as I went down this list, I was so disappointed to not see it listed. The spinning transporter was awesome!

No Mego Star Trek Bridge playset and dolls therefore automatic fail:

Beer - it's what's for dinner.

Irish Doctor, yippee! I like wee Colin Morgan, but while I know Jimmy Nesbitt is a lovely guy (actually met him a couple of times when I lived in Coleraine, lovely fella) I just don't want him to be The Doctor. Don't know why, just don't think it'd work.