
The best explanation for the continued existence of Huddle House that I've seen. Actually, I haven't seen HH in years, and was hoping they'd died out. Alas.

My grams gave me a bottle of "gripe water" for my daughter. It was 90% milk & moonshine whiskey!

None of my grandmothers were drinkers, in their circles alcohol was for men, but I have memories of one wetting her finger with some of my father's whiskey and running it over my youngest sister's teething gums. I also remember that same grandmother giving me shots of whiskey with honey as a cough remedy, though I'm

Gripe water in the US is all sugar and herbs. Not as effective I imagine. My grandfather was definitely given a bit of gin in his baby bottle when he was teething.

Yep, same engine, drivetrain and fuel system layout. Well, except for the ones with 4WD in first gear (Schwimmwagen, for example), which ran a driveshaft from the transmission nosecone up to a transfer box on the front wheels behind the front beam, sitting underneath the gas tank.