
I was 16 when this movie came out. Dune was my favorite book ever. Then Dune became my least favorite movie of all time. I was so upset after seeing the movie, I drank some beers with my friends and went home and threw up in my mother’s bedroom. It was not a good night all around.

I have long maintained that the Star Wars movies were in fact about R2D2, certainly at least the first six. They could be summarized accurately as “Plucky little robot saves the galaxy.”

I was never a great Newsom fan, but his calm, crisp leadership and his command of facts have been really impressive. He’s risen to the occasion. Plus, things seems to be going better in California than some other hotspots, so his quick action has paid off. I think Cuomo has done a pretty good job, at least watching

I love my Jeeps (2019 Wrangler is awesome) but the Gladiator just looks weird and awkward.

Actually, about half way through, I was thinking “what poor bastard had to try to channel The Boss in order to get the first draft finished.” It must hurt to think like that.

I don’t smoke but this is so awesome that I want one. But they’re trading at $350-400 online, so I think I’d have a hard time explaining this purchase to my wife.

I can cook damned near anything - except potato pancakes of any kind. It is, perhaps, the simplest and most delicious food ever and yet success eludes me every time.

Port Salut. The perfect balance between creamy and texture, salt and sweetness, with a lovely gentle funk that will satisfy stinky cheese lovers but not put off the non-stinkers.

I am a huge fan of New Yorker, and I was always fond of Al Franken, but the recent story just smelled bad. After 30 years in journalism, I can just feel when something is wrong. The story itself was breezily dismissive of the allegations (perhaps “Believe her” only applies selectively) and Mayer herself sounded at

I an’t remember who wrote it, but I laughed aloud when I read the review of “Les Miserables” and they described Russell Crowe’s performance as, roughly, “a stunning and heartbreaking portrayal of a man who can neither sing nor act.”

This is why the usual argumnets used by pro-choice people simply don’t work on devoted anti-abortion crusaders. If you look at it from their perspective, and accept abortion as murder, then saying it’s a “woman’s choice” is akin to arguing that it is your choice to shoot someone, or your choice to run down a crowd of

Wait, I haven’t been watching Game of Thrones. Can someone fill me in before the finale? You know, just a couple of sentences to catch me up...

Hopjies. A little Dutch hard candy that is coffee flavored with a hint of cream. Nice coffee flavor without being bitter, not too sweat, cream is subtle. A little dose of coffee love, perfect for an afternoon snack at work. I keep a box of them discreetly out of sight next to my desk.

I’m kind of thinking that being a Trump fan is just about the least of this guy’s issues.

Steny Hoyer is just speaking from experience. I mean, as an elder statesmen of the House, he’s been around for previous impeachments. Like Andrew Johnson...

Wait, Chuck, Jake, and Andrew are still on?

Now playing

Through the magic of Google and YouTube, I am reminded that this was the delightful day when Gary Bauer fell off the stage while attempting to catch a pancake. Much in the way he fell off the stage while attempting to run for president.

I used to think Frank Luntz was the devil incarnate, but then Steve Bannon showed up to take the title by acclamation. Now I just think Frank is a little creepy. My first in-person encounter was in a most unlikely place - at a Pancake “flip off” for presidential candidates, sponsored by Bisquick, in the run-up to the

What people forget is that the First Amendment allows you to say pretty much anything you want, but it does not require any private person or entity (such as your local newspaper, or your friendly neighborhood streaming game marketplace) to help you do it.

Seems to me these pretty much turn the notion of “pants” on its head. In terms of design, it is as if they sat down and said “What characteristics are essential to defining pants? How can we create a pants-like product that completely removes all of those characteristics?