
That seems reasonable. I will try not to slight him unduly again.

Ok, fair enough. Maybe I do the director an injustice, but the movie's story and look was based on an old journal of Burton's. The drawings are uncannily like the characters that Selick and Burton later brought to life. There is an extensive making of thingy on the DVD that talks about it.

Admittedly Burton didn't direct it (he was the producer and creative godfather and it was 100 percent his vision) but Nightmare Before Christmas stands the test of time, it seems.

Plumpy Nut? I'd rather eat a big scoop of lard on a sugar cone.

This is going to sound all weird and radical, but I love the California DMV. Besides the fact that they extract a fair bit of money from me in the form of license renewals, I have never had any trouble - friendly staff, short waits, easy forms.

he's going to announced, based on the DNA test, that the Navy Seals seem to have accidentally killed a Blue Whale in the compound in Pakistan, and not Bin Laden at all.

I will not attend until they engineer a reunion of the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

Wow, if their A-bombs work as well as their rockets, we can all pretty much relax. Go ahead, fellas, sell all the plans you want to Syria and Iran.

This movie will not be a success, artistically speaking, unless at least one character takes an arrow to the knee, or at least makes reference to having done so.

Dann - April 1 is still 10 days away. I checked after reading this.

When you buy a Jeep, you know you are buying danger. But I love my Jeeps so much I can't complain. What's a little fire between me and my Jeeps?

Little known fact, verified by multiple experiments in college: if you wash down Doritos with Canada Dry Ginger Ale you will very shortly thereafter experience sharp wrenching pain in your gut that suggests you have been clubbed in the solar plexus with the metal-clad butt of some Nazi storm trooper's rifle.

I knew it would suck as soon as I failed to hear the required "of Mars" behind the name.

Even more urgent is that you avoid children's books written by politicians or spouses thereof. I am thinking in particular of the lovely collection of Lynn Cheney books that my mother in law gave to us in the vain hope of preventing her grandchildren from becoming godless libertines like their old man. Just looking at

Seems to me that printing a photo of a corpse in a newspaper is a defensible act if it serves to illustrate an important truth - the horror of war or the toll of crime or something of that nature. But it should not be done lightly or without deep consideration. And the editor responsible should be perfectly prepared

Wait - this makes lots of sense: If you can't create jobs, you can at least make sure that our population does a better job creating more people who will grow up to not have the jobs that you can't create.

I had a keyboard at one point that came with two USB jacks on the side. Wish I could remember the manufacturer, because it was mighty convenient. The main problem, however, was power - it really couldn't handle a lot and I had trouble transferring a lot of data. I suppose the addition of a battery or a more robust

Honestly, were it not for the fact that April 1 is still 5 months away, I would think this was a put-on. Or maybe an Onion piece.

It isn't the bacteria that scares me - a high alcohol environment will knock most of the little bastards out. It's the effects of incomplete fermentation under bad conditions - Methanol and fusil alcohol, both of which can be pretty nasty in higher concentrations. Methanol is particularly a problem in distillation

The stuff they are publishing is both juvenile and offensive, particularly targeting specific students by name, and it generally makes me mad since it gives actual journalistic type people like myself a bad name. I hope these kids grow up and out of it before they do any more damage to their targets.