
But have they found a red giant star with a small ‘Mote’ visible in the corner nearby...?

Only problem is that you have to buy 10 cars at once?

Read this book. It doesn’t go well for them

Standard Beetle with a couple of extra plastic bits bolted on, and a ‘pikachu paintjob that looks like it’s been painted by hand with house paint. Plus the ‘special’ Pikachu TV bit has been removed...

But then you’ll never get to drive the cool post apocalyptic vehicles while calling everyone ‘mediocre’.

Now playing

She’s clearly never been to Wolf Creek..(based on a true story btw)

In Australia this car is still an $899,000 car second hand.

I’ve told this story a few times here on Jalopnik so if you’ve heard it then just keep scrolling. Otherwise sit back and settle in for the:

If you are right handed, your sword is buckled to your left hip. Mounting from the left means that your right leg as you swing it over the horse into the saddle doesn’t get hooked up in your scabbard.

You can then reach over, draw your sword and start slashing and laying about the enemy with wild abandon as you see fit.

Flying Air France back in 1996 we were delayed leaving Kiev (because some drunk bastard wouldn’t get out of the wrong seat he’d decided to sit in. Finally after 20 minutes of the flight attendants pleading and cajoling, 4 guys from the passengers simply grabbed him, lifted his ass out and carried him to his seat and

Of course it is. Now if you’d just look at me and not blink.

Australia’s redundancy laws are that:

I’m wondering how they’re going to render (because he has to be CGI) Rocky the rock-spider alien.

Ryland never gets back to Earth.

Well that slideshow was fucking pointless...

You can tell when it’s designed by an AI. It’ll come with 5 wheels and 3 of them will be square.

Doesn’t really matter how crappy an Aston Martin might be, we all know we want to drive it and pretend we’re James Bond....

School buses have seat belts in Australia, regardless of size.

Yes. But I’d rather have the physical copy, so will be buying the DVD/Bluray.