
So when will it be available to rent? I don’t really buy movies anymore.

Sorry to tell you but I believe your wife may also be committing Bigamy as I’m married to a woman that believes exactly the same.

Of course there’s nothing to worry about yet. They’ve only said his name twice.

So. Did anybody get raptured? I didn’t get raptured. Did you get raptured?

Oh Dear... The Earthquake in NY yesterday is going to set off the rapture-nutters, if the 6th sign is an earthquake accompanied by a solar eclipse.

The look on her face says “Oh My God! I’m about to die dressed as the Statue of Liberty!!!!”

Any excuse for Virgin Galactic to NOT have commercial flights happening already.

Portable Phonograph huh?

I think this is all more about being a huge tax write-off for the Billionaires at the end of the day.

For Australia, it seems to be mostly Camrys and Corrollas.

The problem is that a Kangaroo will be bouncing along in one direction and then, for absolutely no apparent reason, suddenly and unexpectedly make a right angle turn mid-bounce, and then for good measure, will do it again to the left, 2 bounces later.

Still have all my Lego, even aged 56. I would get at least one “big kit’ (as I called them) Lego set for Birthday and Christmas every year from age 4 to age 15. (After this I just bought my own...)

That mightily assumes you scanned the correct barcode to the correct product...

I assume they’ll also need a “Prime Meridian” at some point running north-south.

Now playing

Now we just need to give them some decent lessons in doing donuts so they’re ready for the SummerNats...

I had the Tamiya scale model of that JPS F1 car... :)

This one.

But there’s a “How to...” manual available.

According to a friend of mine, who just happens to be an archaeologist, about 50 years.