
Let’s just hope that Trump takes a really good hard long look at it like last time.

That might be a while. The next one is due in 345 years.

On a loosely tangental subject of ‘locking on the anchors’, here’s a famous photo of the Tasman Bridge collapse after it was hit by a ship, in Australia in 1975...

Just about any colour from the 70's. Back when the roads were a riot of colours across the rainbow.

It’s not actually illegal to steal a corpse, as a corpse (apparently) has no value. You can be charged with “Interfering with a corpse” which would seem to be the case here.

Those would be “Bridging Loans” then...?

Will someone PLEASE sit these weapons developers down and make them watch the documentaries?!!

If Lydia simply said “Beetlejuice” very quickly 3 times as soon as she saw him in the attic instead of staring in surprise-shock-horror, the movie would be over in 5 minutes.

In Australia... Tinted windows. The darkest legal that you can find.

where to?

That part worked out OK. The officer was some young woman, I recall fairly cute, mid 20-something, but I could not describe her otherwise.

If this were actually true, then all non-citizens could not be subject to arrest, and could in theory commit any crime they wanted without punishment. The French exchange student kills 3 hosts, walks away free!

Yeah sure, because an Isolationist Policy and high tariffs (which can be imposed both ways remember...) worked so well in the 1920's and early 30's that it’ll be a great idea to do it all over again 100 years later. I mean it only took a Global War to sort out the bugs in those policies back then...

Eh... Who’d want a dinged up, scratched, salt infected, 11 year old Landcruiser with repetitive Alternator issues?

With her plucky little offsider and friend that has a heart of gold but keeps getting into scrapes that he has to be recused from but at the end of the day contains the vital knowledge that saves everyone...Textbook Bill.

Congratulations Krhodes1 on your COTD. These lovely ladies will be along shortly with your Polestar, just as soon as they can find all 8 cylinders.

Same here. I have that purple Matchbox car (note present tense even after 50+ years) plus about half the cars featured here as Matchbox cars.

Never thought to hit the brake pedal...?

At least the steering wheel is on the correct side of the car.