
Don’t forget to say sorry to them for making them break in and have to find your keys.

Sewage workers and Trash collectors would like to have a word about that.

Mitsubishi Evo and/or Subaru WRX drivers.

Anyone who is in front, behind, or beside me, or coming in from a side street, or merging on the freeway on ramp...

Congratulations CarrerCrytharsis. This lovely lady will be along to present you with your COTD just as soon as she finishes downloading her car.

Got to get all the asbestos out it first as well.

Clive Palmer is a fucking moron and Australia, especially Western Australia, hates him. He’s the Aussie version of Trump.

Congratulations Nick. This lovely lady will be along shortly to deliver your COTD just as soon as the car drives her there.

Aww.. they could have just put a little holo-photo of him on a shelf in the background somewhere. That’d do it.

Congratulations to Cyril’s-cashmere-sweater-vest on your COTD

The old Gillette strategy... “Give them the handle but sell them the blades.”

So, the Internet has worked as it was initially designed to do, which was be able to connect people even if big chunks of communication services were down for some reason Eg: Global Nuclear War (... Shall we play a game..?)


Doesn’t sound dangerous at all... not one little bit

I thought it looked like a parachute, which would go with the radial aircraft engine...

Machine: Please place items on the scanner bed. a galaxy far far away...

The station’s population sits at 22 people during the winter when the temperature can drop to -128.6 degrees. The total swells to 100 people when the unrelenting cold eases in the summer months

Old man yells at cloud plane...

Frankly, if someone doesn’t crash and catch on fire is the race truly worth watching?...?