
If that %$#@ copy machine jams one more time just as I need a quick extra 5 copies 2 minutes into a lesson, because the %^&* kids can’t bring their &*%$# worksheet to school from one day to the next, I’m sure as Bob going to empty the magazine at that @#$%^ copy machine...

I can confirm that. Marvel paid me just fine and on time. They paid peanuts of course, but they paid and I got my check with Spiderman on it.

I have Fukushima on line 2 as well

But is it easily defendable with the construction of some basic trenches and perimeter walls?

Where else is he going to get his serfs to work the land for his feudal fiefdom?

Ah! Of Course!!!....

Congratulations to CarrerCrytharis on your COTD.

Presumably, this Gas Station men’s room is NOT where they first met...

I dunno about you, but thinking that you’re about to land on a second hand retreaded tyre doesn’t fill me with confidence...

That’s a wheely bad pun...

I take it you haven’t watched the documentary yet..?

Not to mention the ugliest Bentley...

Congratulations Cayde-6's unloaded dice on your COTD.

Congratulations to Buckfiddiousagain on your COTD.

They look pretty (gold...) lame.

Don’t forget to put the last stitch through his nose to make sure he’s dead.

Or an “Excalibur” remake...

Congratulations to liffie420 and tallestdwarf on your COTD.

That’s a lot of assumptions about character and motive... and that’s just when dealing with the ‘logical’ processes of my wife’s mind, much less that of a completely alien neural cognition.