Sean McArdle

Beautifully put - thanks for sharing that. The Golden Record has to be one of the most wonderful things humanity has ever created. Thank goodness the people at the top of NASA had the imagination and bravery to approve what must have seemed a mad idea.

Each Voyager probe is equipped with a copy of the famous “Golden Record,” a collection of sounds and data from planet Earth with instructions for any extraterrestrial who finds it explaining how to play it.

Then he’s going to be re-branding them Trump Nukes®.

1. He’ll never run for President.
2. He’ll never get the nomination.
3. He’ll never win the Presidency.
4. He’ll never create a co-dependency of our nuclear arsenal with a foreign entity.

Hi, I’m tekkblade128 and I couldn’t be bothered to read the article that provided details about exactly what would (or more precisely, would not) happen. Nothing in the article even mentioned employment reduction in and of itself as being relevant but I can certainly use that as a reason to dismiss people’s concerns.

It’s a department that, by law, can’t do ANYTHING without those 2 people.

Yes, who needs leadership? Good take.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

But there’s FOOD! And someone approaching the protagonist and leaning in? Clear plagiarism.

My favorite is how both movies show two people sitting together. Obviously it's a rip off.

Princess Mononoke > Spirited Away.

That’s like saying you want to go back and stop George Lucas from making Star Wars because he eventually made the prequels. Digital colorization is by far the least problematic issue with Snyder’s movies. And, as Cool_Breeze said, O, Brother... is freaking gorgeous.

Hear ya & I was thinking the same thing this morning. He says he has a plan for 5 seasons. (we’ve heard that before) Lets hope it’s worth the journey.

I really like those glimpses into the past and learning how the fsociety was created. This time we learn how Trenton and Mobley were recruited into fsociety. And how they meet each other.

I appreciate your measured response. I’m not familiar enough with Batman lore to argue one way or the other. Only know what I saw in the film. I just found something so viscerally unsettling about TDK that it turned me off of ever seeing a Batman movie again. Not unsettling in the sense of I didn’t necessarily agree

I agree with you. The Purple Man from Jessica Jones is at the moment my favorite villain. Not sure if it's because of writing or Tennant himself. Maybe both?

As opposed to villains who, in their own minds and within the parameters they have set for themselves, believe they are doing the right thing. A great example is Magneto - he lived through the concentration camps of WWII and decided that man, as opposed to mutants, no longer had the capacity nor the moral authority to

I always had a problem with the way the Joker was written. Scene to scene he is either an anarchist dog just mindlessly chasing a car, or a control freak, criminal mastermind orchestrating multiple convoluted plans seamlessly at the same time.

Now playing

I dunno. I still get a bit of a chill over Donald Sutherland’s character in Backdraft. Sure, it’s a minor character, and he’s a minor villain. But the crazy he has when De Niro sets the charred baby doll in front of him at his parole hearing, and asks him what he wants to see: