Sean McArdle

First off, the 1948 Paramount Anti-trust case did NOT ban studios from owning theaters. It forced studios to divest themselves of theaters.

Moonreich Kingdom.

The Watchmen comic didn’t just deconstruct superheroes. I also deconstructed the medium of comics.

Brilliant post. I like the way you think

Actually it was Carl Sagan who proposed it and spearheaded its creation.

Or better yet, ditch the interconnected shared universe completely and make stand alone Elseworlds movies. I’d much rather see an Injustice, Kingdom Come, Red Son, Gotham by Gaslight or Justice Riders than any of the stuff they are pushing.

No I don’t think it is about wanting a straight forward narrative. It’s about feeling jerked around with no apparent purpose, with twists that have been done before. I enjoy the show for the most part mind you, but now I dont trust the show at all. At this rate we could get an awful St. Elsewhere snowglobe ending.

The T Rex snuck into the building the same way the shark exploded in Jaws. As Spielberg told Benchly ““If I have got them for two hours, they will believe whatever I do for the next three minutes because I’ve got them in my hands, and I want the audience on their feet screaming at the end, ‘Yes, yes! This is what

Consider this: Seth Rogen made a better movie about an anthropomorphic wiener than WB did with Superman, Harley Quinn and Joker.

Your mom wasnt all that good.

It depends what time period you’re talking about, but I assume you mean in Columbus’s day, in which case the experts didn’t believe the earth was flat. The experts believed that the earth was round as far back as at least the Greeks. In 400 BCE, the greek mathematician Ptolemy accurately measured the circumference of

Also, if Bucky was so upset and troubled by his actions, he could have/should have surrendered himself to Tony, and allowed Cap go to siberia with Falcon and the rest. That would have been a diplomatic, and HEROIC (ie selfless) move on his part, and could have bought time for Cap to stop Zemo.

Yeah I get it. Bucky was

Yeah, this is completely empirically wrong. Researchers have recently discovered a gene that is responsible for intellect, and studies suggest that up to 75 per cent of IQ is genetic. With Environmental factors such as home and school environment contributing between 14 and 21 percent.

I agree. Hitler gave eugenics a bad name...

The author of this article obviously wasn’t raised in a redneck town...

That was the only joke that made me actually chuckle out loud during the movie.

I agree. The tendency in Hollywood is to make a great movie that gets showered with bigbox office and critical acclaim, and then keep chasing that dragon by trying to repeat that success with deminishing returns, until one eventually bombs.

Season 2 was when I grew bored of the show and quit watching...

When Marty turns 88, youre gonna see some serious shit.