Sean McArdle

You know five people who have killed people? You hang out with dipshits.

The latter could be hyperbole. The former is hard to take as anything but fact.

I guess because it implies all of the terrible things that people with bad intentions can do with easy access to firearms.

I live with my 2 tween daughters and 2 cats. Not worried about the tweens but the cats ... Shit. I wonder what their twitter handles are.
If I’m not back soon, Jez will know what happened to me.

Yeah, but she would also make it look like an accident.

I’ve been married to my roommate for 16 years, so if she’s going to kill me at this point, I probably did something to deserve it.

Well, in their defense, they were running around and the raptors were making noise and everyone was focused on NOT BEING EATEN so they probably didn’t feel any booms as the T-Rex approached. However, it’s weird that she Splinter Cell’d her way into the building without growling or roaring hahah

I’ve always just tossed this up to the fact that the characters were too distracted by the bloodthirsty raptors to notice the T-Rex sneaking up on them. That being said, it sort of breaks the movie’s internal logic since we all saw during the jeep encounter that the T-Rex’s footfalls made the ground shake. Oh well.

Different spot along the fence, and the clif made an L?

The impression I got was that die-hard DC fans flooded the theaters on Thursday night and Friday, and then lousy word-of-mouth started to slow the momentum on Saturday. Like the other DC movies, it’ll make a ton of money but not the Marvel kind of tons of money the studio was hoping for.

Wait, we can get paid to not see Suicide Squad? I’m already a member of the Secret Anti-DC Conspiracy, where do I sign up for this?

people were paid by Marvel to not see Suicide Squad.

So... They had a movie with Superman in the title and made it dark. They had a movie with suicide in the title and tried to make it funner and bright. Yep. That should work.

According to boogiesaiyan and illuminatedbeefstake over on various comic book forums, you’re just a Marvel plant that doesn’t understand numbers, and Civil War and Guardians of the Galaxy flopped just as badly. Oh, and Suicide Squad isn’t really a flop and is secretly awesome, and people were paid by Marvel to not see

They’ve still got time to soft reboot with Wonder Woman! Especially if they resurrect Psycho Jesus as Superman. (But if Wondy’s whole film turns out to be centered on fixing how badly DC’s fucked up, I will flip a goddam desk.)

You know what is amazing about your comment is that you think no one should complain when they aren’t being treated fairly at work. Have to work in a little glass greenhouse, in polyester, where the AC just can’t keep up? Too bad. Get another job. Not making enough to live? Too bad. Get another job. It’s attitude like

I thought Civil War was the most interesting and unique thing Marvel has done so far. Yes, even more so than Guardians of the Galaxy, which had some good jokes and weird characters (and some pretty compelling emotional arcs for each member of the main crew, which worked for the first 2/3 of the movie) but ended up

Mostly because it’s more interesting to examine a trainwreck than to wonder why a train ran as it should and got everyone safely where they needed to go without any incidents.

Disagree; they put on film the best action sequence in any superhero movie. I’d put it up against the best action films.

“Hey, have you seen Suicide Squad?”
“No, why?”
“It’s pretty bad. It’s a shame that such an ensemble from DC can’t compare to Marvel. Civil War was a much more cohesive film than that mess.”