

“I’d argue it’s a bit of a disappointment to me that so many people will accept trash. Too many movies’ badness is written off as being ok because it’s “just a popcorn/action/whatever” movie. You can still tell a good, cohesive story even if it involves blowing things up.”

Sunny premieres June 10, 2024 Apple TV+.

In 15 years we’ll be asking ourselves why the American auto manufacturers failed, while the Chinese electric car industry took over the world. I wonder whether we’ll remember that day when the founder of one of the first and most important electric car manufacturers of the day browbeat shareholders into handing him

True, but the Peugeot does take a hard final roof landing at the end.

I bet if a customer admitted they drove 8 miles with a quart low it would be enough for any dealer to deny warranty work.

Even when I had my sunroof replaced by a Subaru dealer they still topped off my oil. Why are these guys so stingy and trying so hard to only do the minimum.

I read it as a bit of an excuse of how they couldn’t have damaged the wheel, but clearly they weren’t being truthful about either so it all lines up in the end.

Oh you can bet that if there are that many problems on the surface that there are some awesome easter egg problems hiding deeper in that repair.

I think the issue is that they said one thing, it didn’t get driven, when it was clearly a lie. I’d be pretty pissed off too. If they were like, yes we had to test the engine and drove it a bit, I’d be much less likely to argue about the 8 miles. Though 8 miles does seem a bit more than what’s needed.

Seriously, even if they didn’t lose a drop of oil tearing apart the engine IT CAME IN BECAUSE OF AN OIL LEAK. What service department wouldn’t top off the oil in that case? Look, people try to get shit like curbed wheels repaired all the time for free so I understand part of the dealer getting defensive, but the oil

How has the agenda not been glaringly obvious from the beginning?!? It reminds me of the people who have only recently found out that Rage Against the Machine is a political band.

Wow, your comment made me go down the rabbit hole. That is one of the weirdest origin stories I’ve ever heard! I was a huge GI Joe kid in the 80s and had no idea!

Exactly. the article states the cybertruck is ‘nearly 8 ft wide’, but that is for the mirrors. The Cyber truck is 80" wide (as in 6 2/3 ft wide) , 95" with mirrors.

This bookself is RIGGED! The democrats have WEAPONIZED “IKEA” against me.

Don’t forget when he mocked McCain for “getting caught” and saying it didn’t count as fighting in a war. It must take a lot of time and energy to pretend you think Felony Cheeto gives any shits about anyone who serves/served this country.

Queen Elizabeth worked as a heavy vehicle mechanic during WWII. She signed up at 18 as soon as she was able despite the King’s wishes. She was a hard workers and wanted to do her part in real work to help the war.

My ‘73 Cutlass Supreme can do the same thing. The massive power steering boost makes the car feel dead. I’m sure the same goes for that “truck.”

“Cybertruck makes a U Turn using only my pinky. Check mate.”

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues