
The previous owners hated this car so much that they barely drove it for 36 years. I’ll defer to their judgement. No dice. 

People here are too young to understand what garbage these things were even when they were new. There is no nostalgia value. This POS should be relegated to “parking lot only” duty at a driving school or sent to a crusher.

Those “GLH” stripes are writing checks this shitbox can’t cash. No Dice.

 Typically the bed is only attached at the top of the hydraulic cylinder and 2 pins at the rear pivot point 

And somehow still seems to be leaving less debris behind it than most dump trucks I see on the highway.

Discount Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the best way to describe this. I know that it can be hard to translate video game characters into live action roles but damn, it’s like they didn’t even try to cast these roles accurately

The LC is one of those cars that looks amazing in person. Pictures can’t do it justice. It has significant road presence, an amazing naturally-aspirated V8 and is almost certainly a very comfy place to be.

NP. I watch these pretty close all the time.

The pixel or matrix lights can keep the high beams on all the time but turn off the light beam only where other cars are. So you get the visibility of having your brights on without blinding other cars. Take a look at the picture and the dark spot in front of the oncoming car.

Short answer is the car instead of just having one additional light per side like a high beam, actually has a ton of individually controlled lights. I have one of these software locked cars, it has independent 16 zones. It uses a camera to detect where other cars are/aren’t and turns the individual zones on/off as

Crumple zones also spread out the impact on to whatever the vehicle crashes into.  When CTs collide with other vehicles, the occupants of those other vehicles are going to be screwed.  My car weighs a lot less than a CT.  If I were to take a side impact from a CT, I’d be done.

These are shaping the beam to allow the lights to still be at the angle you may want without shining into the faces of oncoming drivers. In theory, it maintains the visibility advantage of high beams without blinding others or switching between high and low beams every time you meet traffic.

You have to certify to meet minimal federal crash standards (which is what Tesla’s internal tests are for). But this has nothing to do with the NHTSA star test. That test is only done on the most popular models and is optional, because they don’t have the testing capacity to test all car models.

I had the exact same thought....where’s the crumple?  There’s not the soft, gradual decay in hood length you’re used to seeing, just a wee bit of front-end decay and then BOOM! the crumple just stops and the dummy’s head slams into the wheel with a sharp neck bend.

Hold the fuck up.

Why run two assembly lines and pay extra workers when you can just produce more cars faster and disable $15 worth of parts in software.

My partner and I have been doing this from the back seat without any of that fancy wiz-bang hydraulic suspension for years.

Last Action Hero is ridiculously ahead of its time. I love that movie through and through. 

This film always reminds me of the situation around Last Action Hero. They’re both satires that went over the heads of a lot of critics because they were action/sci-fi films. They ironically missed giving them proper critical analysis and wrote them off as simple “popcorn flicks.”

Now, let’s take a look at the labor that is being done in our for-profit prisons right here in the US. I feel like there might be a bit of a similar idea here.