
I did! But they had no record, so I assumed it’s not done, though it’s possible it was done by a non-dealer and reimbursed. That’s why I’m planning on just doing the repair.

Imagine if the industry had spent the last decade developing a modern sales model that didn’t require hours of in-person up-selling and paperwork, instead of lobbying for legislation that required it. 

He promised he’d sell it, but he’s also trying to social distance. The price keeps people six feet or further away.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. I heard that you can make a really nice ventilator out of a copy of Atlas Shrugged and some tape. 

Its all Rolls Royce”, Joe Isuzu

Oh okay you just don’t know how Kinja works. That’s fine.

Gotta be some kind of art thing. I have nothing else to add, so here’s a different art thing:

If the idea that “I don’t need to worry for X reason,” has crossed your mind in any real way, then you are either insanely ignorant, or a level of selfish and solipsistic I have trouble processing.

How many people in our country have preexisting conditions, are smokers, and/or are obese?

I’ll be surprised if self-driving cars aren’t the norm by about 2050. But I also don’t expect them to exist any sooner than 2040. 

We will spend 100 trillion dollars on nonfunctional autonomous cars before we ever build out more normal, non-autonomous trains. Suggesting we build trains is up there with suggesting we possibly maybe end our War With Eurasia or such.

That assumes that Ashley would have been available and willing to do those episodes. I know she’s said she’d love to do it, but that was a while back and life has a way of going on. I also feel pretty confident that if Rosario’s got the role, she’s gotten it with Ashley’s knowledge (and presumably blessing).

I really needed this news today.  It’s very uncertain in the office right now, and my anxieties are sorta up there.  This helped.  A lot.  Thank you!

Automated rail systems. That’s something I’ve heard nothing about that makes complete sense. The complexity and safety concerns would considerably less and easier to manage and it has a minimal human staff as it is today.  It’s not like a train needs to be able to react/stop on a dime - it couldn’t if it wanted to.

Dedicated roadways for containers of freight and other goods effectively ARE railroads. All you’re doing is putting a locomotive on each container instead of stringing them together.

“Rail is really the first system that should be able to go fully autonomous.”

Here’s the problem though. Even if these investments were made without her knowledge—possible, but still incredibly suspicious—it still doesn’t change the fact that Loeffler knew what was coming wrt to COVID, but said nothing.

I mean, you can kinda tell that they made these moves before anyone else really recognized the severity of the threat, because they made their moves *just* before the market tanked. If the severity of the looming crisis had been broadly understood at this point, they would have sold into a declining market, since a

1) A train has to service itself all the infrastructure from point A to point B. A plane just has to service itself and two airports. 2) The train experience (in the US) is so miserable that demand is much lower. Empty trains charge more for tickets.