I’m sure T-Swift will read my comment & be like “Yep back to pop-country music”
I’m sure T-Swift will read my comment & be like “Yep back to pop-country music”
I am, too! I even have a playlist made up exclusively of my favorite songs by him that I listen to on pretty regular rotation. Like, sometimes I don’t want to listen to the whole album. But I will always want to listen to Touch, Feel, & Lose followed by English Girls Approximately followed by Come Pick Me Up followed…
It’s not hard to understand at all really. It’s just got that classic noir thing going on. Need to remember all the names. A second viewing is good for that and really helps piece it together. Also, little things like Vince trying to sound smarter to his henchmen but then getting dumb looks from the Mayor.. You can’t…
Yeah, i thought V.vaughn was kinda weak(far as acting) until the 3rd episode or so but i think this was done on purpose. He played a washed up gangster in retirement coming back to what he do... This brought out the true sense of what he was in the past... And it shows... Come on,who didnt like “ well this is one’s…
This season’s TD is loosely based on real events in and around Northern California. Like season 1 it is more a character piece than an actual plot. Think about season 1, the show was really about the two detectives and how they ended up where they did, and a bit of retribution for the penance they paid for their…
If this genuinely works for his marriage, cool.
I don’t think the book is problematic. I think it is a very smart book written about problematic characters who live in a problematic culture- but I don’t think the book itself is problematic. I think it is sometimes misread, but I think more generally what has happened is that most people think they remember the book…
Can gawker make a waste dump for Jordan sergeant ‘s articles?
So far, it looks like most people aren’t upset about the subreddits that will be banned or hidden, but rather the ones that won’t. There are some subs that are ostensibly politically progressive or feminist, with some members who have harrassed or bullied people in the name of their ideology, and those have so far not…
When you say “it seems” do you mean, “it seems from what the Gawker suite of sites writes”?
A sub doesn’t get banned for one (or even a few) user’s comments, although the user might get banned. They get banned when the moderator doesn’t shut down comments that incite harm or when the rules of the subreddit advocate it. I personally think it’s just a matter of time before they get shut down though with the…
Reddit is “the internet” - There are racist things on the internet; there are useful, informative, creative things on the internet as well. If you can avoid the offensive things you don’t like, which is not hard to do, there is no problem. Much the same way your local community college can have an evening support…
Personally, I go there to talk with likeminded folk about obscure manga I read. I used to have all such needs met by various communities on Livejournal, but since that went tits-up, it’s not an option anymore. I don’t go anywhere but those manga-related sites. They’re rarely gross or unpleasant, as the participants…
It’s a great place to learn about, connect over, and discuss a ton of really cool (and sometimes niche) topics with other people. I’ve learned a lot from Reddit, but I have — for a LONG time now — always aggressively curated my experience. Just like any tool, you can use it for really interesting, awesome things...or…
These aren’t the small, bad parts because those users of the small, bad parts run the fucking show. They got the CEO to resign after a petition that had less than half a percent of the millions of users that go to Reddit. So obviously it being small doesn’t correlate to the control its wields on the site operations.
I like certain sub-forums (subreddits) as a way to keep up on things posted around the internet, without having to fill up my rss reader with a bunch of sites I don’t really care about, save for one article every 3 months or so. It’s a pretty good way to keep up on what people are actually talking about.…
Yes, it would be nice if it worked that way here. Everyone could have posting privileges to begin with, and if you post something horrible, you get demoted to gray.
This seems like a good compromise, but you just KNOW so many redditors are going to be up in arms about it and freaking the fuck out.
And since they’re going to do that no matter what level of “censorship” the powers that be choose to implement, they should just go balls to the wall and delete/ban those disgusting…
/r/coontown isn’t on the ban list because they don’t have hard evidence of it harassing users (that doesn’t include being human garbage, you actually have to do things like follow users around or brigade subs, for example). But it’s just a matter of time before they violate the new harassment policy or get busted for…
So it’s the greys? Actually it’s better than the greys, you have to log in to see it.