Also worth noting — BookJon has brown hair.
Also worth noting — BookJon has brown hair.
Assuming you mean Lyanna Stark, when would Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark have had time to have sex? They were promised to one another, but as far as we know, never alone together.
Yep. That’s certainly how the actor read him. Someone complained on Twitter that BW had been turned into a love interest that needed saving, and Ruffalo replied “that’s weird. I thought he turned Banner into a love interest that needed saving.”
I like this reading.
I love this interpretation. It hadn’t even occurred to me in the theater. But yes, she handles Hulk alone, with nothing but her wits. And when she isn’t around, the biggest alpha male of the group effectively says “Oh, Nat’s not here? Ok, I’ll do it. But I’m gonna need a suit of armor around my suit of armor, and…
Sort of. The explanation has to either include “we kept one in mothballs *in Sokovia* with a full crew,” or “we kept one that could travel mach 12 with a full crew,” because somehow he manages to arrive on the scene in an obscure eastern European country *about 10 minutes after the city starts rising* with a fully…
All that, and you forget that SHIELD was dismantled two movies ago, but Nick Fury somehow has a helicarrier (filled with some of the same SHIELD agents we saw lose their jobs two movies ago) available on short notice somewhere in eastern Europe.
Also a male reader here. The others have more complete answers, but I will add this one observation — a 10% response rate is outstanding. You should be pretty happy with that.
I had the same reaction. Instant disappointment because the first 10 minutes just looked so artificial. When that ended, I was able to get into the movie, and then it worked for me.
*********(mild) SPOILERS below***********
I think I’ve worked it out. You’re absolutely right. New headcanon is as follows:
I’ve worked it out, and this is now headcanon:
He does appear to be driving an Aston Martin in this. It’d be a departure for Dominic Toretto to be seen in anything that wasn’t a Chrysler product, but the expensive, fast car let me watch this entire trailer as being the dark secret of Dom’s life. And I like it better that way.
Everyone else has the basic idea right — supplies come up by mule on the one accessible track, or through a pulley-and-rope system of exceptionally large baskets.
I’m really doubting they go in that direction, mostly because they planted the show-only character of Myranda, and made her obviously jealous of Sansa. There’s no obvious reason for that character to exist, *unless* it’s to menace Sansa, giving Ramsey someone to punish or kill to protect her, revealing to us that he’s…
That, or come with an army.
My late father was a fed official, briefly. I remember the night he came home, baffled and laughing, to tell us he'd been tasked with selling this, and he genuinely didn't think it was possible.
Movie studios will now be required to produce two original movies for every reboot or sequel.
Tony Stark - hyper-intelligent man who inherits billions, and control of a multi-national defense contractor. Uses it to do good stuff (even his mistakes are attempts to make the world safer).