
“Style for Style. Best, Richard.”

I’m also curious why the police didn’t just ask them to leave, instead of immediately arresting them. So, can anyone just call the police on anyone else for alleged trespassing and they will be arrested too without question? Or does that only work if the alleged trespassers are black?

But not before marking it up 20%.

So great to see Jordan break and smile for once!

This is sad news. This was such a cute, endearing show.

I loved the show because it definitely gave me some tips and inspiration for some DIY minor DIY projects. But the other reason I watch is to watch all the failure and wreckage some of these designers do to people’s homes and then see the reactions.

It will be interesting to see what they do with the increased budget.


Yes, but what baffles me is why people are suddenly concerned, when users are “publicly” posting this sensitive information to anonymous strangers. For those that may not know, this is not about information/status that is passed via private messages on the app, but filling out a field that appears first thing when a

She was big on broadway, headlining several successful shows including Thoroughly Modern Millie and Anything Goes!. She’s now starring in “Younger,” going into its 5th season on TVLand with Hillary Duff.

It’s not HIPAA violation because the information was willingly posted by the user. Grindr is not a doctor or anything medical/hospital related where confidentiality is assumed. They have no duty to protect privacy of information that is willingly given up by the user and posted to their public profile.

On the contrary, the users are willingly giving up that same sensitive information and posting it “publicly” within Grindr’s walls, which anyone can get access to.

Sutton Foster FTW

How are these apps, “annoying?”

I think you meant:

Check the guaranteed delivery date that’s listed on both the product page (ex. order by 5:00 to get it by Friday) and on the final checkout page that lists when each item’s Guaranteed Delivery Date when ordering, to make sure it will arrive when you want; at least that’s the way it works on desktop. Using 1-click

The InstantPot phenomenon is getting out of control.

Next, they will suggest that everyone should wear head-to-toe Kevlar clothing- like it’s their own fault for not being ready to protect themselves and others, and being fearful everyday that this will occur to them.

Now playing

Literally the first thing I thought of when she mentions walking in on him watching Shark Week:

Now playing

This has been Ryan Murphy’s best and most cohesive show since Nip/Tuck. Darren Criss was absolutely phenomenal. Versace’s family calls it a work of fiction, but it’s a poignant work of art for portraying gay-related themes on TV.