Sean Bond

I agree with you, but you’ve gotta think all those studio investments are gonna start paying off soon, right? Like, MS bought some really good/talented developers at a weird time due to COVID. Without that, we’d surely be starting to see some of those games being released. They’ve gotta be coming soon, don’t they?

Important to note: if this deal goes through Microsoft becomes the 3rd largest company by revenue in the video game market. Sony still dominates the space and if anything Sony should be the one investigated for antitrust actions. Forcing publishers offer two hours of every game for free to Sony subscribers or be

Extremely talented sucker.

and now he wants to get into bed with an openly bigoted transphobic conspiracy theorist who pals around with people who love to see queer nightclubs get shot up

15 million Nintendo owners will buy anything Nintendo makes. This is enough to keep them going as a first party company and to even survive the WiiU.

He should join Congress, then doing that would be perfectly ok.

Do they read the articles before commenting in Italy?

He was not, in fact, the second biggest donor to the Dems. Nowhere near. He gave a lot, no question, but he wasn’t anywhere near the top.

I mean, Pelosi is an insufferable shitbag who’s holding the Democratic party hostage because she's getting a lot of money from lobbyists for maintaining a Moderate stance. I despise her, and the freezer full of ice cream is the fucking cherry on this shit sundae.

If only you were as good at writing sentences as you were at being a POS!

Haters gon’ hate, but I love this woman.  I’ll take stimulus from her anytime.

NY dems got their shit rocked specifically because they were too busy trying to get cute and fight progressives like AOC rather then, you know, field candidates that voters wanted to elect.

And she’s been plenty vocal about how state party leadership failed the state, too, I think to the point of adding her voice in calling for the chairman to resign.

Not because of AOC - blame the DCCC. 

I am 100% biased when it comes to AOC. Honestly taking a swing at low hanging fruit like that guy is alright by me in this arena. Publicity stunt or nah, gamers know game. Respect.

So many that couldn’t hope to do anything about AOC in gaming attempt to score against her in Kinja comments.

Yes, her playing league on her own time for years is definitely a “how do you do fellow gamers” and not that, and hear me out here, she might actually play games?

she’s 33 goddamn years old, what do you think the demographics of video games is like? 

It’s less of a pose when you’re actually a skateboarder/gamer. 

she’s younger than me and Ive been gaming since i was little, not sure why it’s difficult for you to imagine.