Sean Bond

Yep, I’m excited to see where this one goes.

yeah, stuff like this is usually Destiny at its best. It’s when I miss it the most.

Hm. Three dots together, must be Orion’s belt! Add it to the pile of theories!

Not when most other tech companies are also laying people off and putting hiring freezes in place, including all the big dogs. Even if we aren’t technically in recession, tech companies are acting like we are. These people are fucked because Zuck is a selfish moron.

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

“Fired staff will be receiving 16 weeks of base pay, plus two extra weeks’ pay for each year of employment, plus all their remaining paid time off. They and their families will also get health insurance for six months, three months of career support, and vitally, immigration support. Overseas employees will receive

I think he’s implying that if you had a time machine and walked around medieval Europe, you’d see a lot more POC then you would a specific Japanese style of sword 

Representing the different physical characteristics and cultures of humanity helps to promote understanding of others who haven’t had the same experiences you’ve had. It helps promote a unity that, although we may look different and our culture is different, we are all still human and a part of a greater whole. I

I spent a year as a mod for a Swedish streamer and I believe it. Conversations about the chaos and overpopulation of a city with 200,000 people in it is a parody that writes itself. But when your entire country is the size of a large city, things don’t scale very well I guess.

How does this change anything? Non white people existed in medieval Europe. For that matter, none of what mentioned here neccecitates racial homogenity. Or, if you wanna go a step further, none of this require all the ppl to be specifically white.

It’s not primarily a matter of the game being “better” tho it does improve a game. It’s a matter of representation and racism or sexism or homophobia etc.

I’m not even wading in to the comments to see if there is at least one person defending a Japanese development team making insular cultural decisions regarding their own fantasy universe, because I’m sure there is at least one. That said, I really wish people would stop using this as an excuse. Final Fantasy is an

While still disappointing, I don’t find it very surprising that a developer from a country in which 98% of the population share the same ethnicity and culture struggles to grasp the depht and importance of representation issues.

The thing is, majority populations that only see one race think their world is big enough.

Ultimately a consequence of lacking diversity in an RPG is it makes the game world feel very small.

and yet they make sure to put a Katana in every single game

Are you part of the “parent out of the picture for 10 years gets to overrule everyone else, including the teen in question, about every detail of the teen’s own thoughts and experiences as long as the long-absent parent is viciously sex-essentialist enough” brigade? I think I’ve seen your friends around,

Double check that you are actually playing the PS5 version of the game and not the PS4 version! Don’t feel bad if you are playing the wrong version though, Sony has done a terrible job with all of this stuff.

There is nothing “smart” about Sony’s delivery system.

You can blame players if you like, but I blame Sony’s shit back-end systems.

Boiled tree bark! Well it certainly *sounds* tasty