Sean Bond

Not to bag on the list, but seeing 2 Splatoon titles on the list, one in the top 5, was enough to make me take it with a ton of salt.

People considered BotW an all-timer before 2 was even announced (myself included), what would the performance of the sequel do to detract/add to that?

Was there official confirmation of this that I missed? They’ve recently hinted they’d be open to more movies.

Same. It felt way too on-the-nose in a lot of parts, and in others just made me feel like I was watching a less fun version of the first movie again.

Right, and I sent you a link that shows you how to play the game on an iPhone, should you choose to, since you made it sound like accessing your PC version during the holidays isn’t real feasible. 

I’m not a fan of new-era monetization in videogames, but I think it’s pretty fair to say that you can pay for a fully-featured experience here. You buy Halo Infinite, you get the entire single player campaign, and the entire multiplayer experience, you just don’t get the skins in question.

Thank you. I used to play hundreds upon hundreds of hours of Halo MP every time a new game came out, and so far I’ve played...0 seconds of Infinite’s MP, because there’s no rush. The SP campaign is great, and if/when I jump into the MP, I’ll just...not worry about the cosmetics. I don’t need them in every shooter I

Based on the comments I see on Kotaku, single player campaigns only matter when they’re for Sony (or Nintendo, of course) exclusives; anything on an Xbox console is the sum of its flaws.

There are multiple books filled with Destiny 1 & 2's lore entries, so my guess is that the narrative team not only creates the overarching plot points, but also the metric ton of lore available in-game. 

Ah, that sucks because it sounds like exactly the sort of repetitive frustration I don’t do well with. Resetting to checkpoints and having to kill shit all over again for hours is...well, part of why I don’t solo dungeons myself, lol. I’ll check it out with that in mind and probably give up an hour in, so thanks for

To be fair, the actual article linked to above makes it pretty clear that they were expecting the standard theatrical tasting menu you’d get at one of those type of restaurants, and that this particular restaurant failed even at that. There’s a big difference between “I left having eaten, but could eat more” and “I’m

Yup! I (stupidly, because I was distracted with other games) skipped one of this past season’s seasonal activities for awhile because I thought it was a dungeon with no matchmaking, and I wasn’t trying to do all that. Turned out to be extremely easy and forgiving to solo (the weekly ascendant plane quests), but I can

I think there’s an option somewhere that allows you to pick which games are in the Quick Resume memory, maybe taking FC6 (or whatever other games you’re having issues with) out would help?

As far as I can tell, it’s a bug specifically with Far Cry 6 (at least according to Google). I use Quick Resume constantly (I play a bunch of different games and also have family that use my XSeX) and don’t run into any issues like that.

Yeah, I tried a raid or two for a few hours (early on in my D2 “career,” so to be fair my comfort level was nowhere near where it is now) with mic, and it was just not the sort of thing I wanted to keep doing; I’m sure I’d feel different if I had a bunch of friends to shoot the shit with, but otherwise like you said,

It’s honestly pretty pathetic how long it’s taking them to fix this, but I also have to think they’re genuinely having issues doing it, because it’s gotta be costing them money; they’ve made a big push to have more presence in the mobile gaming arena (and as an app store in general), and this is probably costing them

This is giving me hope, because as a lazy (don’t want to LFG) and antisocial (I don’t like playing on mic, and just wanna “hang” by myself when I’m playing D2) player, I really want the Thorn armor (and the most infamous heavy weapon in Destiny history), but I’m always too intimidated to try to solo dungeons. 

This is exactly how I feel. I like to support devs, and if it’s a game I liked and played for free, buying the DLC feels like the least I can do.

Honestly, I look at it slightly differently: I wouldn’t be surprised if they did Apex Legends: Titanfall as a 3rd installment. It would bring in Apex fans and possibly expand that brand back into where Remedy should’ve been working in the first place.