Ah man, I loved that shit, lol. I don’t blame you for hating it, but I don’t think I ran into the ads until after I played the game, so I thought they were pretty funny (strategy guide has the scratch and sniff stuff too).
Ah man, I loved that shit, lol. I don’t blame you for hating it, but I don’t think I ran into the ads until after I played the game, so I thought they were pretty funny (strategy guide has the scratch and sniff stuff too).
Same for both! I had to have the Classic and a big part was Earthbound, but a big part of grabbing a Switch day 1 was the “promise” of a Virtual Console with (hopefully) Earthbound on it.
Earthbound was a game I randomly stumbled into and rented at a Blockbuster the year it came out, then I rented it again, and finally, at some point, quit lying to myself, and just bought the damn thing. A rental that very quickly turned into one of my favorite games of all time, and one of that absolute hallmarks for…
Right? I’d have paid money to be there for that shit! lmao
Glad to see that group of dudes mock these ladies; it’s important to see shit like this normalized so that 1) marginalized people don’t always have to be the ones standing up for themselves and 2) non-marginalized people see people that look like them standing up for others (not to say they haven’t, but people tend to…
What’s frustrating is that this whole debate makes it more likely for other studios to just say “fuck it, we’ll do loot boxes instead of skins, it’s just not worth it.”
I think the issue is more that a 6/10 game is more likely to let you down (it’s more divisive), not necessarily that it’s a “lower tier” of game; there are plenty of 6/10 games I’d give an 8 or 9 to, it’s just a riskier proposition than a game that’s scoring 9/10 everywhere.
You’d lose that bet, but I do kinda like that as a descriptor for the Mako!
Yeah man, I have no issues with the direction 2 or 3 went, really, since I think they also did some really cool stuff, but there’s really no substitute for the feelings you get playing through the first one.
Honestly, 100% agreed. It really captured the “you’re exploring an unknown galaxy” thing for me like ME1 did, and while I had some issues with the game, I would’ve loved to play more of it.
Imo, ME1 has always been required playing; it’s such a cool sci-fi story, and really has a vibe neither of the other 2 capture.
Yeah, Destiny is a really interesting game in this respect, imo; there are hardcore players (a fair amount, actually) who just play constantly and obsess over every minor detail, every gun roll, etc. There are players like you, who check in for the major expansions, and players like me, who aren’t hardcore enough to…
Destiny definitely boots you at some point, so no, it doesn’t work the same way a single-player game would. If you try to resume before the point where it logs you out, though, yes.
You’re taking this pretty literally lol. I just meant maybe I was more focused on the Aeris/Tifa/Cloud triangle and didn’t pay enough attention to Yuffie’s side story..
Hey, maybe I’ll like her this time! She just never took off for me in the original game, maybe because I already had my heart set on Tifa and/or Aeri(s)(th).
I don’t like Yuffie, so I’m in no rush for “the Yuffie DLC” anyway. If it comes to PS4, great, I’ll probably buy it at some point. If it doesn’t, great, I’ll wait until the whole game is ported to XSeX.
The people who come to Kotaku to talk shit about Destiny every time there’s a new Destiny article have 0 idea how the game and its playerbase actually are right now.
Yeah, Kotaku writes 10 million articles a month about Destiny 2 because the only excitement around the game is when they reintroduce an old weapon every few months...
1) I didn’t say it auto saves your exact location every single time. Does it sometimes? Yeah. But it saves all the other relevant stuff, which generally matters more (souls, items, etc.).
Came here to say this; it’s the fad dieters that are annoying everyone and giving gluten-free a bad name.