Sean Bond

Yeah, but if we’re all still in our houses in May (or god forbid, June), July and August are going to be absolute bangers for almost any place people aren’t able to currently go.

As long as they roll out Zero Sugar versions, I’m in. I loved Mt Dew growing up, but I can’t stomach the ~50g of sugar in every damn can.

Yeah, I was just telling my s.o. how great the timing of this DLC was!

Very excited for this, as I loved Control and want more. Also, as someone on Xbox, fuck “timed exclusive” DLC; by the time this hits I’ll have plenty of other stuff to play (and may even be allowed to go outside? lol).

I, too, prefer less things to exist, instead of more.

Another vote for Game Pass. Between that and sales (finally picked up The Last Guardian for $9 on PSN!), it’s an easy and REMOTE way to get a bunch of games affordably. 

Very good point.

Perfect, I was looking for another reason to hate GS corporate. I feel for the line-level employees and hope they get shutdown.

This is basically me, too. Hoping this is a decent reset period from lifting (I’ve got a couple aches from lifting stupidly), and trying to find different ways to work out.

Xbox is always by primary console so I’ll be grabbing it first, but I’m pumped for both these bad boys. If the SeXbox ends up on top graphically but some AAA PS exclusives absolutely scream (not just on in terms of load times) thanks to that SSD speed, that’ll be super cool.

“The world is on fire” because people are trying to be safe, and because some people are making stupid decisions (hoarding) while doing so. And the world is also on fire because other people are getting pissy at all the people taking covid-19 seriously, because as usual, they know better than all the experts. 

1) Take a deep breath Mr. Weiner-seer, it was a joke

Yeah but there’s a non-0% chance of the virus coming attached to said physical discs, whereas Netflix has a built-in COVID-19-killing laser for their streaming services ;)

Yeah, there should be various brands out, Glendalough being one of the more common ones. 

I’m looking forward to this. The XB1 controller is probably my current all-time fave (I’m not counting “pro” controllers, because I have different expectations for a controller that costs $150), and while I have almost no complaints, a D-Pad tweak is always nice, since it’s perennially one of MS’s biggest struggles.

The commenters are judgemental either because A) the article is making a broad generalization about something that’s not accurate everywhere (like this one) or B) because they’re not from the Midwest, don’t know any better, and thus take every “lol Midwestern food is trash if you’re sophisticated!” article as being

Oh shit, Baja Sauce is (kind of) back? The beef baja gordita was my absolute favorite thing on the menu, and I’ve never forgiven them for switching to that shitty ranch and then also (mostly) killing off the gordita.

Exactly, and apparently based on turnover, ND is seeing that (although they’re not changing their approach). I think it’s a bad idea long-term, because it’s hard to imagine they’ll always be able to retain this type of rep for quality if they’re constantly losing people. I mean, they’ve done it for a fairly long time

It’s very frustrating to read about this sort of thing, because on the one hand, you always want to see quality studios and games thrive. On the other hand, is it really thriving if a fair amount of their workforce sounds constantly miserable? Being in a work environment where peer pressure is the reason you don’t

See, I’ve never cared about emblems (only one I use is the one that gives me an aura for 100k NF score...RIP aura) and don’t track stats, but I did enjoy swapping a holiday event one on occasionally to seeing my progress from the last year or two. I’m mostly just confused that they’d pull the trigger when there are