Sean Bond

While I’m currently loathe to trust quick resume if I really need a save point, if it works right, this sounds ideal. 

That’s also a big one. Related, if I can switch between Netflix and something like HBO Now, that would also be ideal.

Oh yeah, I know why current gen consoles struggle with framerates, although I’m not really familiar with VRS. Pushing higher-resolutions is still nice, but generally I’d rather have something more playable rather than extra-pretty, so hopefully I/we won’t have to choose between the two.

I’m not saying it’s crazy new tech, I’m just glad it’s being implemented slightly more broadly. I don’t need or want more than (let’s say) 2 games in “quick resume” state at any given time, but more than one is still pretty useful to me.

Quick resume for multiple games is pretty exciting to me; it’s always been one of my favorite features of the current gen, and since I switch between a couple games quite a bit, this is a solid QoL upgrade.

I get it. It’s hard to choose “dickhead Shepard” when the other choice is “badass space commander who everyone loves and/or fears.”

I like Discord fine, but a lot of people prefer an integrated experience to something you need to have A) a 2nd device and B) a 2nd application to run.

Great point, honestly. The “2nd console” thing doesn’t sound all that impressive initially, but when you see people saying “why would I need X when I already have a PC (or PS4, or XB1) and a Switch?” you realize that Nintendo has created the perfect niche for their system. For most gamers it probably won’t be #1; the

I mean, I had to replace my Xbox One after a power surge in my apt., and cloud saves saved my ass. Literally just signed into my profile on the new XB1, and it was like I’d been playing there all along.

All this stuff just makes me want to jump in and play again, seeing how well they nailed translating the concept art into a cohesive part of the Star Wars universe.

Agreed on both points (which is why I’m generally against spoilers; you can never tell what they’ll ruin for you). I think it’s fun to watch Orphan again knowing she’s not a kid, but that’s a pretty huge wtf moment to have ruined the first time in.

I really liked Orphan, I’m just not sure how I feel about a prequel. Actually, I think I feel somewhat similarly to how I feel about the sequel to The Boy; I enjoyed both movies quite a bit, and also thought their twists were fun (and part of what makes the movies work for me). With the twist already out in the open

The commercial is/was definitely cringey (probably why they switched it out already), but just because you’re thin doesn’t mean you don’t need exercise.

Yeah, I think you nailed the big difference between Lucas’s stuff and the sequels. Different directors, actors, etc. or not, Lucas had a general idea for his story, and the results look very different when you don’t.

Took me a second, well done.

Yeah, I didn’t think the entire execution of Palp’s “I can help you save your wife” plot made sense, but I thought it was actually a pretty poignant arc all things considered. Having a kid who has been held back and told he’s not ready all his life facing the prospect of again watching the most important woman in his

I was pretty salty when I saw the Trevorrow leaks, I’d much rather have had that movie (and it felt more earned). The lack of a cohesive story for the sequel trilogy is absolute MADNESS. I can’t imagine something this high-profile/important where it was just left up to essentially ad-libbing movies.

100% agreed. I’ve always been a Revenge defender; I liked the dark turn Lucas was willing to give it, and while the dialogue still wasn’t great, it had mostly recovered from AotC. I also agree that TLJ feels like Johnson went out of his way to make a meta SW movie, which...I’d have loved if it weren’t in the context

I’ve purchased the OT 4 times, the prequels twice, and I’m also questioning whether I need TRoS currently. I definitely don’t need a 4K transfer of the Disney+ version of SW.

I think a lot of people didn’t want that sort of love letter to the trilogy, though. And I think there are 3 basic groups when it comes to VIII and IX: