Sean Bond

I understand the pricing concerns for people, but I can’t be too upset. They’re building a bunch of features in (and adding a mobile app, which is very cool/about time), you can store up to 6000 Pocket Men, and the hope is that Home is a service you’ll be able to use for years to come. $16 a year is still a relatively

I don’t know shit about helicopter safety (so I have no idea if they’re the flying death traps it sounds like), but Kobe did an interview a while back saying that he started looking into copters because his commute was taking longer and longer, and it was important to him to still have time with his family. It sounds

Yeah, that’s the thing, man. Even if you hate the dude, this woman lost her husband at the age of 41, she lost her 13 year old daughter, and her other children lost their father and one of their sisters. Just an incredible tragedy for that family.

I don’t know the specifics of Leroy (and I don’t play Tekken, so I don’t really know the high-level play well either way), but the issue appears to be that he’s not properly balanced currently. Here are the balance changes coming in the patch:

That’s fair, it’s just a few steps further for me to actually play the emulated games in that case. But yeah, emulation archives are very useful.

No man, I get it; the swapping discs thing like 100% of the reason I like digital media. I only get physical because I feel better “owning” my games, and because I actually do go back and play shit like 20 years later, lol.

I never had a PS2, so I actually still have one of the original PS3s (with the PS2 built-in) as well. And I also purchase 99% of my shows/movies on bluray (or DVD if the bluray doesn’t exist). If I purchase something on digital I look at it as essentially a “permanent” rental, and if I like the movie enough, I’ll grab

That’s fair too, I just already buy the majority of games on physical, so the digital stuff is extremely “impulse” usually. But I get your point.

Agreed on there being “something about” physical media. And I was very excited by MS’s idea of disc-less media; I was pretty salty when there was so much blowback that they ended up scrapping the idea (I know their messaging was bad, but still). Especially as you said, when entire (huge) games are getting installed to

My rule is this: any game I’m sure I really want, I buy physical. If there’s a game I’m on the fence about, and it goes on sale (or I want to play that night, and stores are closed), I may grab digital. The bonus to this approach is that sometimes A) one of my physical games will be a free Xbox Gold or PS Plus game

Well c’mon man, if you couldn’t figure out how to hold it you should’ve asked someone! ;)

All this!

Look, some of the Star Trek movies are bad, but the shows are the important part, anyway!

If you’re happy Star Wars is dead, whatever you do, don’t check out the internet’s reaction to Baby Yoda...

“The Sequel Trilogy is basically the anti-Prequel Trilogy. Where the Prequels show what happens if you give George Lucas too much creative control and input, the Sequels show what happens when he’s not involved at all. Which turns out to be not very good but in a different way. The man’s a worldbuilder and a big idea

I think the handling of the Night King and the Long Night is one of the biggest mistakes in the series. It’s not only not particularly satisfying (especially given the series-long buildup), but it also completely trivializes what one of the two central conflicts of the show.

Yep, that’s exactly the reason. The people in charge of making/passing laws have mostly realized that if they made it quick and easy for the American public to vote, they’d mostly be out of a job, and (generally) younger, better, more diverse representatives who gave a shit about people’s actual interests would be in.

Sir, I think you misunderstand: Since I’m not interested in Apex, while I understand it would fundamentally change the game, I just want all the press possible for Titanfall, lol. But yeah, I get that fans of Apex Legends might not want it, and I respect that. It’s not like I’ll genuinely be disappointed if it’s not

I think the proper way to do it would be to make the lore available by some other method after CoT closes. I’m not advocating losing lore, that does suck.

still toooooo soooooooon