Sean B

look how can we blame the campaign when there haven’t been any contemporary examples of extraordinarily run campaigns that leaned heavily on ground game, grassroots tactics

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

2016 gotta 2016.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

Trump’s cabinet picks are basically an ISIS wet dream. They’re going to have an easy time recruiting when they can literally point to the anti-Islamic statements and policies of the Trump administration and say “America hates Muslims.”

I, personally, don’t find Larry funny. I’ve tried to get into his show, but I never have. I feel like he was probably a great writer because on paper his jokes are great, but his delivery is always awkward. He does get ALL the points for the sheer balls it took to make those jokes to that audience though. I cringed so

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

My wife and I had been separated for, oh Jesus, I’m not sure how long. I had stayed back East while she took a job with some hotshot Japanese company in L.A. We decide we’re gonna give things one last chance before the divorce so I fly out there. Her company’s Christmas party is in progress when I arrive, so I head

Sue who? Sue me! Sue everybody! For punitive damages, sir. I’m very, very hurt by you.

No, because they will then lose their fear of snakes and likely die in the wild thinking “oh, that’s just a salad ingredient” or form unnatural bonds with the snakes and you’ll end up with catsnake babies slithering all over your yard.

“Meesa will avenge you, Annie!”

For a switch hitter to say this, it’s shocking.

I’m kind of surprised Huckabee didn’t say Kim Davis.

Damn you, autocorrect.

Now I want to infiltrate a Westboro Baptist Church protest with a sign saying “God hates figs. [Mark 11:12-14]”

We're all horrible people.

He's right. If the public had gotten wind of this, there might have been a few rounds of debate. And, as we've learned, the Braves almost never make it past the first round.